Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Gillian Catherine Taylor, Ph.D., was a Human woman born on Earth in the year 1948. (ST - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)


Taylor was born in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California and went to college at UCLA. While on summer vacation in Acapulco when she was 20, she spotted a school of migrating blue whales. That fall, Taylor changed her major to marine biology, and eventually graduated magna cum laude. (Stardate Magazine vol. 3, Issue 5: "UFP Personnel File: Star Trek IV Update")

In May 1974, as a grad student in marine biology, Taylor attended the International Conference on Genetic Research and Experimentation in Rome. The conference featured some discussions on the use of genetics in preserving endangered species, which piqued Taylor's interests. While at the conference, she briefly met a "Dr. Veronica Neary" (actually Roberta Lincoln, investigating the disappearance of several Eastern-bloc geneticists). (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)

Taylor became an expert in cetacean biology, and held the position of assistant director of the Cetacean Institute in Sausalito, California, until 1986. By her own account, Dr. Taylor had a photographic memory, able to "see words". That year, she was transported to the year 2286 along with two humpback whales, George and Gracie. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Voyage Home).

Her sudden disappearance and its curious circumstances spawned the production of a true crime podcast titled Cetacean in 2024. (TOS comic: "Lost to Eternity")

Taylor, an only child, lived on Irving Street in Sausalito in the 1980s, where she lived next-door to Mrs. Schimmerman. Her mother had died of cancer several years prior to 1986. (TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Whales Weep Not")

This story establishes Taylor was 38 in 1986, overriding previous fans' use of using actress Catherine Hicks' age to determine Taylor's. Stardate Magazine cited a different fate for her family, that her parents and brother were killed in a car crash when she was 16.

Shortly after her arrival in the 23rd century, she signed on to a Federation science vessel, the USS Clarke[3] or USS Tombaugh[1], intent on bringing her scientific knowledge up to date. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home)


Taylor with the whales.

After being transported to 2286, she became the inaugural patient of the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations' Temporal Displacement Division. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)

She jokingly commented to be a living breathing Rosetta Stone for historians of the time. (TOS comic: "Lost to Eternity")

When George and Gracie developed a mysterious illness, Taylor requested Montgomery Scott's aid in finding a solution to the problem. (TOS - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Scotty's Song")

In late 2286, Taylor went with Kirk on a boat trip for a month while examining dolphins, and witnessed the birth of the whales' baby Harpo. Prior to the trip, she spoke with his crew about his many missions and how he was a "spectacular kisser." (TOS comic: "Debt of Honor")

By 2287, Taylor was working for the New Cetacean Institute, a position which took up most of her time. (TOS novelization: The Final Frontier)

In response to advances in human-animal communication she proposed the foundation of Starfleet Cetacean Operations Division in 2292. (TOS comic: "Lost to Eternity")

In 2293, Taylor attended Kirk's memorial service that was held on the grounds of Starfleet Academy. Also in attendance were former crewmembers of the USS Enterprise and some of his other old "acquaintances". (TOS - Crucible novel: The Fire and the Rose)

2299 saw the publication of a book written by Taylor. The book was titled Whales Weep Not: My 300-Year Voyage Home with George and Gracie. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)

In 2310, she headed an oceanographic study aboard the drift station Madrigal on the planet Pacifica. On her team was Harpo, the son of George and Gracie. (TOS - Strange New Worlds II short story: "The Hero of My Own Life")


Appearances and references[]



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Stardate Magazine vol. 3, Issue 5: "UFP Personnel File: Star Trek IV Update".
  2. ↑ TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Whales Weep Not".
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek 2"

External links[]
