Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

H'atoria Station was a Klingon Empire Defense Force starbase that was active in the 24th century. It was located in the H'atoria system.

In 2346 it was a Boreth Station type outpost-tier starbase and was the main space station in the system. (ST video game: Infinite)



Klingon starbases and outposts
Starbases Boreth StationDurandal StationH'atoria StationKrios StationNarendra StationNathvekra StationOgat StationQo'noS StationQu'Vat StationStarbase 1Starbase 2Starbase 3Starbase 4Starbase 5Starbase 6Starbase 7Starbase 8Starbase 10Vok-Nagral Station Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Outposts and stations Camp Khitomerhaunted house stationIkaal outpostKa"hat outpostKinza D'elmaKlamuth outpostKlingon Defense Force Command HeadquartersKrell outpostKura outpostMastocal outpostMera ZineNo'Var OutpostSicon Ring outpostToman outpostTy'Gokor

