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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see IKS GhoH'Sot.

The IKS GhoH'Sot was a D7-class Klingon battle cruiser starship in Imperial Defense Force service in the 23rd century. (ST video game: Legacy)

No history or fate is established for this vessel as this ship's name and prefix were part of the list of names the game software randomly assigned to D7 cruisers appearing therein.

Template:Ships named GhoH'Sot

D7-class starships
Klingon Empire (primary universe) Various D7 series Begh'poQBlortlhChong'poghDeb'choSD'k Tahg • (Dominator) • Duy'HubEctacusGho'be' GhoH'SotGr'othHob'DISHurgh'raghKorthosK'vintaLuq'arghMajQa'be' • (Malevolent) • NaS'puchpa' Nay'par 'OghwI' (Devisor)PiqaD'nem • (Powerful) • Qaw'qayQugh'tungQup'SoHQut'SuchQuvRoney • (Stormwind) • TaD'moHTajHuTar'beTr'lothVarchasVoq'lengWuv'a'tem Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
K't'agga-class (D7A class VIII) Dun Da Spu' Gomex-zhaKhorazharK't'sukaKung • (Pounder) D7D-class drone battle cruiser (Hailstorm) • (Strangler) • (Thunderstorm) D7-class dreadnought variant (Terror)
Klolode-class (D7B) (Anarchist) • (Annihilation) • (Antagonist) • (Attacker) • (Avenger) • (Challenger) • (Chieftain) • (Conqueror) • (Courageous) • (Crusher) • (Decimator) • (Defiler) • (Demolisher) • (Devastator) • (Devisor) • (Killer) • KlododeKlolode ~ Voh'tahk ~ Ch'dan ~ (Thousand-Taloned Death)Klothos • (Merciless) • (Nemesis) • (Pandemonium) • (Pitiless) • (Relentless) • (Ruthless) • (Sangfroid) • (Savage) • (Soul of Vengeance) • (Thunderchild) • (Thunderer) • (Vengeance) • (Warhammer)
K't'kara-class (D7c class VII) (Dawnslayer) • (Dareslayer) • (Darkslayer) • (Deathslayer) • (Deedslayer) • (Deftslayer) • (Deepslayer) • (Demonslayer) • (Devilslayer) • (Direslayer) • (Dirkslayer) • (Dimslayer) • (Divineslayer) • (Doomslayer) • (Doubtslayer) • (Dourslayer) • (Dragonslayer) • (Droitslayer) • (Dreadslayer) • (Dreamslayer) • (Duelslayer) • (Fire Blossom)
K't'inga-class (D7M class IX) ArekkiehAmar (I) • Amar (II) • BardurBegh'poQ • (Bloodspiller) • B'MothBortas (Revenge) • (Bright Axe) • CharghChong'pogh • (Deathcry) • (Deathmonger) • Deb'choSDajDuSDajgholDajghu' DochbeqDochqupDoqbaSDoqchaDoqghuHDoqHeghDoqHo' DoqmaSDoqramDuy'Hub • (Fury) • GhaklorGhIqtalGho'be' GhoH'SotGr'othGhobHaH'vat ~ K'elric ~ Va'talHakkarlHob'DISHurgh'raghHurghSanHusghajLe'batlhLe'chavLe'HovLe'qorDu' KartadzaKluggothKol'TarghKorvatK'tancoK't'ingaKronos OneLuq'arghMajQa'be' MelikaphkazNaS'puchpa' Nay'parNightwingPefakPiqaD'nemQaDQanmangQanvajQaplaQIjbaSQIjchaQIjHeghQIjHo' QIjmaSQIjramQItI'ngaQobQugh'tungQup'SoHQutbe' QutHolQutqempa' QutSa' Qut'Such • (Rampage) • Rakor • (Ravager) • SubT'AcogT'NekTaD'moHTajHuTar'beTebtivuTewniwaTevekhT'OngVaHVengeanceVo'taqWuv'a'temYa'VangZajikh
Klingon Alliance (mirror universe) K't'inga-class AmarGr'othBortasKlothosKronos OneK'tancoQaw'wIQ'omQ'udquvSud • (Ravager) • Sod
Romulan Star Empire (primary universe) Various D7 (Stormbird-class) series Brak'enCheronD'soriaD'tervik • (Gladiator) • JoranLubatoMarucciusMenteniusMuniaNarrocianOpaliusPesaniusPola • (Red Talon) • SapotiusSetroSolusStratoTovarekTruntisVeloshVrenek Emblem of the Romulan Empire.
Akif-class Memenda
K't'inga-class ArakkabBrak'enD'soriaD'tervikHheirant • (Javelin) • JoranKenekLubatoMarucciusMenteniusMuniaNarrocianOpaliusPesanius • (Pillion) • PolaSapotiusSetroSolusStratoTovarekTruntisVeloshVrenekYkir
Romulan Republic (mirror universe) K't'inga-class ActiumPharsalusRubicon
translated names in parentheses • pseudonyms in quotations • see also: unnamed D7 class starships