Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Jedburgh was a male Human who lived in the 24th century. In the 2370s decade, he held the rank of commander and was a member of Starfleet Intelligence, as well as Section 31. His partner in both organizations was Enderby.

In 2374, Jedburgh and Enderby approached Elim Garak to enlist Garak's help in eliminating Tomas Roeder, a former Section 31 affiliate who had discovered the Morphogenic virus and the Federation's role in making it. Broken, Roeder founded a highly visible pacifist movement, which meant that they needed something - or someone - who would believably eliminate the well-known figure. The pair manipulated Garak into helping them by threatening to reveal his participation in the killing of Vreenak and Grathon Tolar. Roeder was indeed killed, but not quite according to plan - however the two agents let Garak go. (DS9 novel: Hollow Men)

Una McCormack named Jedburgh after the character of Darius Jedburgh from the BBC series Edge of Darkness. (Voyages of Imagination)


Known members and associates of Section 31
primary universe Olivia Akomo • Caliq Azura • Julian Bashir • Gabrielle Burnham • Mike Burnham • Lance Cartwright • Cole • Katrina Cornwell • Control • Dietz • Matthew Dougherty • Sarina Douglas • Franklin Drake • Enderby • Darwyn Friel • Kamran Gant • Philippa Georgiou • Matthew Harris • Jedburgh • Karim • Bendes Kettaract • Ken Kitsom • Ko Ji-hoon • Jhun Kulkarno • L'Haan • Peter Lawrence • Lee • Leland • Ethan Locken • Roberta Luke • Merra • Erovan M'Rill • Olim Parra • Patar • Tinh Hoc Phuong • Erik Pressman • Ramirez • Parvati Rao • Malcolm Reed • Tomas Roeder • William Ross • Connaught Rossa • Sakonna • Luther Sloan • Eric Stillwell • Aubin Tabor • Malla Tancreda • Kestellenar th'Teshinaal • Charles Tucker III • Ash Tyler • David Webb • Marcus Williams • Vasily Zeitsev • Cortin Zweller Section 31 Starfleet black badge image. 31
Kelvin timeline Thomas Harewood • John Harrison • Robert April • Alexander Marcus • Yuki Sulu • unnamed Section 31 personnel