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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Jerella Dev was a Trill and Trill's representative on the Federation Council in the mid-2370s.


In 2376, Councillor Dev did not attend a meeting of the Federation Security Council to discuss the parasites link to Trill and the assassination of Shakaar Edon by Hiziki Gard. (DS9 - Worlds of DS9 - Volume Two novel: Trill: Unjoined)



Council of the United Federation of Planets
Earth representatives Haroun al-Rashid • Percival Kimbridge • Jonathan Archer • Courtenay Marshall • Indira Bhutto • Petrach Sormassov • Kevin McBride • Matthew Mazibuko United Earth emblem. Vulcan representatives T'Maran • T'Nuri • Sarek • T'Latrek • T'nirea • T'Los • Soron • Sokketh Vulcan IDIC emblem.
Andorian representatives Anlenthoris ch'Vhendreni • Avaranthi sh'Rothress • Thy'lek Shran • Zhimen ch'Rhettel • D'vin Loctrill • Thrandasar v'Elex • Shroom Stonwin • Charivretha zh'Thane • Kellerasana zh'Faila Andorian emblem. Tellar representatives Gralless • Gora bim Gral • F'xaq • Vagak Haggarak • Bera chim Gleer • Kyll Tellarite emblem.
Alpha Centauri representatives Nasrin Sloane • Marilyn Hoskin • Sondri Sullivan • Huang Chaoying Centauran emblem. Benzar representatives Melnis • Linzner Benzite emblem. Bolarus IX representatives Min Zife • Nea Bolian emblem.
Cait representatives S'rrel • Dynkorra M'Relle Caitian emblem. Deltan representatives LLyanaa • Eleana Deltan emblem. Grazer representatives Jaresh-Inyo • Severn-Anyar • Astoni-Yhard Grazerite emblem.
Trill representatives Jerella Dev • Jix Trill emblem. Zalda representatives Samton • Molmaan Zaldan emblem. Bajoran representatives Rava Mehwyn • Krim Aldos • Baras Rodirya Bajoran emblem.
Other membership Alonis: Nerramibus • Antede III: Selora Quintor • Arcturus: Jacob Varis • Ardana: Strovos • Betazed: Cort Enaren • Betelgeuse II: Chuu'iik Hru'uith • Bre'el IV: Nitram • Cestus III: Altoun Djinian • Damiano: Ra'ch B'ullhy • Deneva: Lynda Foley • Djana: Ewu • Efros: Domak Voris • Gemworld: Lari Beltane • Gnala: Gorus Gelemingar • Hermat: Saltroni 815 • Huan: Corices • Icor IX: Lyo Morhas • Igre: Gloobsherkpfack • Ithen: Danga Sitru • Izar: Grace Murabi • Janus VI: Sanaht • Koa: Sicarios • Makus III: Konahr Lutet • Mars: Qaletaqu • Chab jav Lorg • Nasat: C29 Green • Ona: Eftheria Lo • Pandril: Govrin • Regulus III: Maria Moi • Rigel Colonies: Kishkik Sajithen • Tomorok • Sauria: S'kaa • Terra Nova: Kevin Steiner • Tiburon: Jard Elbir • Gnizbreg • Triex: Artrin na Yel • Vega IX: Zhi Nu Palmer • Vestios: Lenith Agreho • Other councillors: Lisa abn Dari • Eric Cooper • Corvix • Walter Julliev • Robert Kelly • Alexis Kindr • Kleeg • Lanugu • Sipak • T'Vorin • Wulkk UFP emblem.
Preceded by:
Federation Councillor to Trill
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