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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Kobali.

Kobali Prime, also known as K'bala II, was a planet, an inhabited class M world in space claimed by the Kobali government. Together with Kobali III (K'bala I), this world was the third planet of the Kobali system, located in the Kotaba sector and Vyntadi sector block of the galaxy's Delta Quadrant. Other than its planetary partner, K'bala I had two moons. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "The Kobali Front")


The nomadic Kobali, who could only procreate by reanimating corpses and turning them into Kobali in a process known as rebirth, discovered an underground Vaadwaur facility on K'bala II. This facility was filled with Vaadwaurs suspended in stasis pods - prime candidates for rebirth. Circa 2320, the Kobali thus colonised the planet and located their capital, Kobali City, near the underground facility, which itself was topped off with the Kobali temple.

Early in the year 2410, Kobali Prime was attacked by the revived and rearmed Vaadwaur Supremacy. The planet was under siege for months before the Alpha Quadrant Alliance established contact with the Kobali, and began to fight at their side when the Delta Alliance was formed. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "The Kobali Front")

At first, General Q'Nel, who coordinated the defense effort against the Vaadwaur invasion, kept the reason for the Vaadwaur's assault a secret from his allies. Captain Harry Kim of the USS Rhode Island uncovered the truth, and the AQA decided to continue to support the Kobali's claim to this world. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "The Temple of My People")

Following the defeat of the Vaadwaur Supremacy, Vaadwaur continued to attack the planet. By that time, members from other Delta Alliance species had joined the fight in the warzone. Captain Kim was dismayed that one of the reborn Kobali, Keten, was the former corpse of his own temporal counterpart. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Dust to Dust")


Kobali Prime Warzone

The warzone on Kobali Prime

Kobali Prime presented itself as a lush world with green landmasses and blue oceans. Kobali City lay near a river and mountains. The Vaadwaur underground facility was invisible from the surface, and hidden under the Kobali Prime warzone. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "The Kobali Front")


  • Kobali City
  • Western Outskirts
  • Eastern Outskirts (Hillside Base)
  • Trenches (Kobali temple)
  • Forest
  • Lower Mountains
  • Upper Mountains
  • Summit (Vaadwaur frigate)


Delta Quadrant planets and planetoids
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