Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Kyeera Janyl was a Tormandar female serving in Starfleet in the 24th century. She was part of the USS Rhea's science department. Her head was covered in reddish fur. (DTI eBook: The Collectors)


On stardate 57717 (September 2380), Janyl replaced Lieutenant junior grade T'Ryssa Chen on console so that Chen could join the away team investigating the planet NGC 6281-34 III. (TNG novel: Greater Than the Sum)

On stardate 61263.6 (April 16, 2384), the young Lieutenant Janyl was part of an away team when the Rhea surveyed an unnamed planet. She analyzed the Collector obelisk, a time traveling artifact from the far future. Captain Bazel advised Janyl that the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations would take care of the obelisk and likely dispatch a slipstream ship. (DTI eBook: The Collectors)



USS Rhea personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. BazelDawn BlairT'Ryssa ChenDerekPaul JanissKyeera JanylLorlinnaNuaxSekmalThyyshev zh'SkenatT'HalaCaithlin Tomei Seal of the Federation Starfleet.