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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Lukara.

Lukara was a legendary female Klingon, the mate of Kahless the Unforgettable. Theirs was called "the greatest romance in Klingon history". (DS9 episode: "You Are Cordially Invited")

Kahless and Lukara were wed in the Great Hall of the village of Qam-Chee, moments before it was besieged by the forces of Molor. (DS9 episode: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places")

According to the vision Martok had in the year 2375, Kahless and Lukara were never actually married. She was a small woman, not the amazon of popular Klingon culture. (DS9 - The Left Hand of Destiny novels: Book One, Book Two)

Following Kahless's ascension, Lukara continued to spread his word and keep his message alive. To that end, she founded the Order of the Bat'leth, a group of warriors charged with upholding the ideals of honor among Klingon society. (GKN novel: A Good Day to Die)

The Lukara Edifice in the city of Novat is named in her honor, as well as the IKS Lukara. (KE novel: A Burning House)

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