Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Mavek.

Mavek was a male Cardassian who served aboard Terok Nor during the Dominion control of Deep Space 9. He was a science officer and was unusually reserved for a Cardassian. (CCG set: Call to Arms)

Mavek would give Kira Nerys a cup of raktajino when she arrived in the operations center each morning. (DS9 episode: "Rocks and Shoals", DS9 novelization: Call to Arms...)


Terok Nor personnel
Cardassian Union
Cardassian Guard
and Cardassian-allied personnel
Basso Tromac • Boheeka • Corat Damar • Datar • Skrain Dukat • Dulath • Hadar • Mavek • Narat • Oran • Parek • Sigol Rusot • Gaten Russol • Thrax Sa'kat Emblem of the Cardassian Union.
Bajoran Provisional Government
and Bajoran-allied personnel
Jabara • Kellec Ton • Kira Nerys • Odo • Rom Bajoran insignia.
Dominion (2374) Weyoun Emblem of the Dominion.
Mirror universe Terok Nor personnel
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance Elim Garak • Kira Nerys • Odo • Jennifer Sisko • Telok Alliance emblem.
Terran Rebellion Julian Bashir • Sam Bowers • Jadzia • Michael Eddington • Keiko Ishikawa • Leeta • Enrique Muñiz • Nog • Miles O'Brien • Jennifer Sisko • Luther Sloan • Lon Suder • Ezri Tigan • Tiron Seal of the Terrans.

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