Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A medal was an award of merit.

History and specifics[]

Just before James Horn's death in 2153, Captain Jonathan Archer assured him that he was a hero and had saved the ship, and that he'd receive a medal. (ENT - Strange New Worlds 8 short story: "Hero")

In the early 2260s, David Bailey earned a couple of medals while serving on the USS Carolina. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Constitution)

At some point prior to 2365, Worf led a battalion in action on Cantos V and was awarded a medal for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. (TNG novel: Strike Zone)

Medals were also given for athletic achievement. While attending Furanthy School from 2264 to 2267, Prince Raviki of Nukolee won several track-and-field medals. (TOS comic: "A World Gone Mad")



External links[]
