Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

NCC-1701/4 was a class F shuttlecraft in service to Starfleet in the 23rd century. The shuttle was assigned to the Federation starship USS Enterprise in the 2260s decade.

Service history[]

In the 2260s, Rebel Dak-Alphans captured James T. Kirk and Spock and reprogrammed their minds. The two officers deployed anesthesia gas on the entire starship's personnel, then returned to the surface with all of their shuttles, some piloted remotely. Rebel soldiers then piled aboard NCC-1701/4 as well as NCC-1701/3, Einstein, Galileo and two other shuttles. Soldiers landed the shuttles in the shuttle bay and disembarked, expecting an easy takeover of the Enterprise. However, Kirk and Spock had faked being under control. The stunned soldiers were met by more than a dozen Starfleet security officers, and most surrendered without a fight. (TOS comic: "Revolt on Dak-Alpha")

In the year 2269, acting of the advice of Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, technicians loaded NCC-1701/4 with antimatter charges for use as a weapon, since the Enterprise's probe and photon torpedo launch tubes were damaged. Piloted by remote control, its detonating charges destroyed the shuttle close to the hull of an attacking alien vessel, causing temporary power loss in the intruder, which was then rammed by Shaal's battlecruiser. (TOS comic: "Deadlock")

By 2270, the armored lander NCC-1701/4 (II) was assigned its registry number, and was in service aboard the Enterprise. (TAS episodes: "Once Upon a Planet", "Mudd's Passion")



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) auxiliary craft
2240s-2264 Columbus (I) • Eratosthenes • Icarus • Kepler (2254) • Keppler (2264) UFP emblem. USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
2260s five-year mission NCC-1701/3 • NCC-1701/3 (II) • NCC-1701/4 • NCC-1701/4 (II) • NCC-1701/5 • NCC-1701/5A • NCC-1701/8 • NCC-1701/9 • NCC-1701/12 • Armstrong • Armstrong (II) • John Burke • Christopher • Columbus (I) • Copernicus (NCC-1701/7) • Copernicus (NCC-1701/12) • da Gama • Darwin • Edwin Drake • Einstein • Ellis • Ericksen • Galileo (NCC-1701/1) • Galileo (I) • Galileo (II) • Galileo II • Caroline Herschel • Kepler (2270) • Leonardo (I) • Leonardo (II) • Mitrios • Niagara • Pursuit 1 • Pursuit 3 • Pursuit 4 • Pursuit 7 • Space Bug 4 • Space Bug 7 • Space Bug X-4 • Space Rescue Bug • Space Rescue Bug 5 • Sutherland
2270s-2280s Brahe • Clarke • Columbus (II) • Conrad • Copernicus (NCC-1701/5) • Copernicus (two-man shuttle) • Galileo (NCC-1701/7) (SW7 class) • Galileo III • Gamow • Halley • Hawking • Herschel • Hoyle • Kahoutek • Kepler (2293) • Onizuka • Valgard • Zhang Sui
Class F shuttlecraft
Federation, Starfleet NCC-1701/3 • NCC-1701/4 • NCC-1701/5 • NCC-1701/8 • NCC-1701/9 • NCC-6038/5 • NCC-K7 • Apollo • Armstrong (II) • Balboa • Bean • Christopher • Columbus • Conrad (USS Enterprise) • Conrad (Starbase 11) • Copernicus (USS Constellation) • Copernicus (NCC-1701/7) • da Gama • da Vinci • Einstein • Ellis • Galileo (2251) • Galileo (NCC-1701/1) • Galileo (2265-2267) • Galileo (2267-2268) • Galileo II • Guo Shoujing • Icarus • Kepler (USS Defiant) • Kepler (USS Endeavor) • Keppler • Leonardo (I) • Leonardo (II) • Masao • McAuliffe • Mitrios • Niagara • Picasso • Simone • Sutherland Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Bellarmine • Galileo Seal of the Terran Empire.

