Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The RMS Titanic was an ocean-going vessel on Earth, infamous for striking an iceberg and sinking during its maiden voyage in 1912, in spite of claims that it could not be sunk.

The captain of the Titanic, Edward John Smith, apparently escaped the sinking ship when a door to The Captain's Table appeared on deck. (NF novel: Once Burned)

Neither the captain or his ship are actually named in the novel, though the reference is implicit.

In the 20th century, the British HMS Enterprise used its sonic depth finders to aid in the search for the sunken Titanic. (Star Trek: The Magazine vol. 2, Issue 7: "Enterprise Lineage from Schooner to Starship")

In 2371, artifacts recovered from the Titanic were part of a traveling exhibit on display aboard the USS Bozeman for at least two weeks. (TNG novel: Ship of the Line)


Standing on the USS Enterprise in 2267, Jadzia Dax wished that she would able to time travel again, to the time of the Titanic and make sure the lifeboats were filled to capacity. (DS9 novelization: Trials and Tribble-ations)

In 2270, Governor Skooka Dawson compared Skagway sinking into Klondike VI's atmosphere to the sinking of the Titanic. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)

In 2373, Mark McHenry compared Yoz's attempts to rebuild the Thallonian Empire to moving the furniture around on the Titanic. (NF novel: End Game)

For centuries to follow, the name Titanic was synonymous with disaster. Its treasure vaults were also famous. (DS9 novel: The Long Night)


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