Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A resistance movement or organization were groups of individuals who resorted to guerrilla tactics to fight a occupying enemy force.


During Earth's second world war, the French Resistance (particularly a group know as the Maquis) fought against the German occupation in various parts of France. The Resistance would carry messages to the Allies and coordinate attacks with them. (DS9 episode: "The Maquis"; VOY episodes: "Caretaker", "The Killing Game")

In the 24th century, the Bajorans formed a resistance movement against the Cardassians' Occupation of Bajor. The Bajorans had many cells across Bajor and on Cardassian stations such as Terok Nor. (DS9 episodes: "Emissary", "Past Prologue", "Shakaar")

Following the signing of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370, several Federation colonies in the Demilitarized Zone fell under control of the Cardassians. When the Cardassians started to harass the Federation colonists, the colonists named themselves the Maquis in honor of the French resistance fighter. In addition to the colonists, several Starfleet officers defected and joined the Maquis in order to fight the Cardassians. (DS9 episode: "The Maquis"; VOY episode & novelization: Caretaker)

In the Delta Quadrant, the Alsaurian resistance movement fought against the Mokra Order in 2372. (VOY episode: "Resistance")

Near the end of the Dominion War, the Cardassians under Legate Corat Damar formed the Cardassian Liberation Front in order to liberate themselves. With assistance from the Federation, the Liberation Front was able to assist the Federation Alliance in ending the War. (DS9 episodes: "Strange Bedfellows", "The Changing Face of Evil", "When It Rains...", "Tacking Into the Wind", "What You Leave Behind")

Mirror universe[]

In the 2150s, the Terran Empire fought resistance forces composed various aliens such as Klingons, Andorians, Tellarites, Vulcans, and Orions. The Empire would fight this resistance for the next century. (ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly"; DSC episodes: "Despite Yourself", "The Wolf Inside")

Kelvin timeline[]

In the Kelvin timeline, the Bajorans formed a resistance movement to fight against both the Cardassians and the Dominion. (TOS - The Q Gambit comics: "Part 3", "Part 4", "Part 5", "Part 6")

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