Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Swarm.

As USS Voyager is attacked by the Swarm, an unintelligible alien species who fearlessly protect their region of the Delta Quadrant, Lt. Torres attempts to save the Doctor from reaching the limits of his programming.


This article or section is incomplete
This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.



Ayala • Chakotay • Chardis • The Doctor • Kathryn Janeway • Kes • Harry Kim • Neelix • Susan Nicoletti • Kashimuro Nozawa • Tom Paris • Giuseppina Pentangeli • B'Elanna Torres • Tuvok • Lewis Zimmerman (hologram) • Swarm aliens
Referenced only
Freddy Bristow • Maria Callas • Enrico Caruso • Mirella Freni • Amelita Galli-Curci • Luciano Pavaroti • Giacomo Puccini • Soral • T'Penna

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Voyager (Intrepid-class) • type-9 shuttlecraft • Swarm species vessel


Jupiter Station • Lake Como • McKinley Station • Mislen

Races and cultures[]

Hologram • Human • Klingon • Mislenite • Swarm • Vulcan

States and organizations[]



adaptive heuristic matrix • algorithm • alien • analgesic • axon • beam • bridge • captain • cascade failure • Christmas tree • cortical analeptic • Diagnostic Program Alpha-11 • dilithium matrix • Emergency Medical Hologram • ensign • ethorin pulse • galactic background noise • high school • holoarray • holodeck • hologram • holomatrix • hour • hydrocortiline • interferometric pulse • Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center • matrix overlay • memory circuit • memory fragmentation • motor cortex reconstruction • myelin • myelin regenerator • neural pathway • neuroelectric weapon • neuron • nurse • O, Soave Fanciulla • occipital lobe • opera • optical subroutine • parsnip • Parrises squares • polaron • preganglionic fiber • Program Zimmerman Alpha-1 • ready room • refraction pulse • retinal imager • resonance particle wave • senior staff • sensor • sensor net • shield frequency • shield generator • shield polarity • shuttlecraft • spinal column • subroutine • synapse • warp factor • Tabran monk • tachyon detection grid • universal translator • vasal constrictor • yellow dwarf


Related stories[]

published order
Previous episode:
Voyager episode produced Next episode:
Future's End, Part I
Previous episode:
The Chute
Voyager episode aired Next episode:
False Profits
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Chute
Pocket Next Adventure:
Apocalypse Rising
Previous Adventure:
The Chute
Journey of the USS Voyager Next Adventure:
False Profits

External link[]
