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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Toran.

Emblem of the Cardassian Union

Gul Toran was a Cardassian male who attended the Bamarren Institute for State Intelligence in his youth where he was given the designation Four Lubak.

Four had something of an obsession with the girls at the institute and well developed shoulder ridges making him appear to be older than the rest of the group. He aligned himself with One's subgroup. Four was one of the hunted in Lubak groups first wilderness hunt and managed to evade capture for an extended period of time. Four was later recruited by Ten Lubak and Eight Lubak to assist in Barkan Lokar's team in the institute's mock battle competition. He was part of Ten Lubak's team flanking the enemy when the group was attacked by Honge, Four and Ten ended up using their team mate Three Lubak's stunned body as a shield to approach the enemy.

In the next mock battle he again worked with Eight but this time against Barkan Lokar's team, this was however a deception and he purposefully gave away his position resulting in the competition being a draw rather than Eight getting a clear win.

Later in life he became a Gul and served under Lokar on Bajor during the occupation.

Despite an offer to negotiate by Elim Garak, Toran ordered the destruction of the shuttle Taklan which had been commandeered by Bajorans trying to escape a life of slavery on Terok Nor. Garak later sought a deadly revenge on Toran for this brutal act. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time)

In 2370, Toran came to DS9 to arrest the dissidents Natima Lang, Rekelen and Hogue. Toran convinced his government to have the dissidents killed, rather than exchange Bajoran prisoners for them (as Garak had suggested). Toran told Garak to arrange an "accident" that would befall the dissidents, and in exchange Toran would help elevate Garak's standing on Cardassia. However, Garak instead shot and killed Toran himself, realizing that Toran would never keep his word. (DS9 episode: "Profit and Loss")


Occupation of Bajor personnel
CalasDakolTrekal Darhe'elDivokSkrain DukatDulcetTekeny GhemorBarkan LokarMakurAamin MarritzaCrell MosetMorad PirakRantokAtaan RhukalTarrikTrelarToranZarale Emblem of the Cardassian Union