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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Ty'Gokor class was a type of Klingon command battlecruiser starship in Klingon Defense Force service in the early 25th century. The Ty'Gokor-class was one of three KDF command battlecruisers and had a counterpart in Federation Starfleet and the Romulan Republican Force, respectively. All of the command battlecruisers were tier 6 starships and required a commanding officer ranked lieutenant general or higher. (STO video game: Delta Rising)


The Ty'Gokor class was designed by KDF based on specification shared by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers in 2410, and launched in the same year. The development project was a cooperative effort between the Alpha Quadrant Alliance members, which saw the production of a total of nine ship classes, three per member state. One class of each faction was geared towards engineering, tactical and science. The Ty'Gokor-class command battlecruiser was geared towards tactical, which was reflected in its bridge officer stations allocation.

The Ty'Gokor-class command cruiser was a tier 6 starship type and required a commanding officer ranked lieutenant general or higher. The ship's crew complement topped at 1.500. The ship had four aft and fore weapon slots each. Standard equipment included disruptors and photon torpedo launchers but the ship was also able to mount dual cannons. During combat, the command battlecruiser would launch four To'Duj-class fighters from its single hangar bay. In addition, standard equipment of the Ty'Gokor-class starship included the defense platform, a mobile weapons platform.


The bridge was staffed by one commanding officer (ranked lieutenant general or higher), one combined engineering/command division commander, one tactical lieutenant commander, and one lieutenant engineer and of any department each.


A new technology introduced with the command battlecruisers were inspiration abilities. During combat, the Ty'Gokor-class battlecruiser could inspire nearby allies with several abilities: turn the tide, against all odds, and battle preparation. Other enhancements of the class included absorptive and enhanced plating, enhanced weapon banks, armored hull and improved brace for impact. The command battlecruiser was equipped with a two-geared cruiser communications array, allowing for shield frequency modulation and the ability to attract fire.[1] (STO video game: Delta Rising)


In the 25th century, the design of the Ty'Gokor-class command ship allowed its commanding officer to choose from different designs of livery, which could be modified further at starbases. These options were designated Type 1-5 and Veteran. (STO - Empire mission: "The Hunt is On")

Furthermore, the installation of deflector shields from specific factions modified the hull appearance, including shields from the Reman Resistance, the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion. (STO missions: "Coliseum", "Cold Storage", "Boldly They Rode")

Known vessels[]



Klingon starship classes
Klingonese names Akif • An'quat • BaSro' • Batlh • Bre'el • B'rel • B'Rotlh • Baka Re' • Ber'taa • Besz Ra'te' • Birok • Bortas • BortaS bIr • Bortasqu' • Ch'Tang • Chargh • CharghwI' • Chava'Kal • Chontay • ChunDab • Chuq'Beh • Chutok • DaSpu • D'aka • D'ama • Dath D'lan • D'esta Kar • D'Gavama • DujHod • Eakin K'nall • Fek'lhr • Fer'Jai • H'ban Pav • Haqtaj • Hegh'ta • HoH'SuS • Jach • Jach'Eng • Jfolokh • K'mirra • K'nall • K'nel • K't'agga • K't'alla • K't'inga • K't'kara • K't'mara • K't'rika • K'Tanco • K'vort • K'vort Cha • Kalath • Kamarag • Karas • Kas Maal • K'el Ri'anda • Keth Ke Se • Kh'exrilin • K'hanakh • Khitomer (bird-of-prey) • Kl'ar • Klinzhai • Klolode • Kl'sarza • Kl'xenova • Koloth • Kom Ka'des • Komo Val • Korath • Koreba • Koro't'inga • Kronos • K'toch • L'rexa • Lar'hal • Lara'atan • LI'wI' • Mas To Gal • Mat'Ha • May'Duj • M'Chla • Mogh • MoQ • Mortum Hesta • Na Ra'den • Negh'Var • Nemosin • Ning'tao • Norgh • Nov • NuQ'Duj • Oniros • Pach • Peghqu' • PIH • Plen Zha • PumwI' • Puyjaq • qa'HoS • Qang • Qaw'Dun • Qeh'Ral • Qexa • QeylIS BetleH • Qib • Qin • Qoj • Qorgh • QuD • Qugh • Riskadh • Sech • Sivista • Somraw • SuQ'jagh • SuQob • SuvwI'Qeh • T'h'lar • Ta'Sub • Tajtiq • Talat Kh'exesta • Tas'esta • Tor'Kaht • Ty'Gokor • V'al'kon • V'kar Zadan • V's'talo • Vakk • Vo'Quv • VoDleH • Voodieh • Vor'cha • Vor'Kang • Xechas • Z'gal • Z'gavasta • Z'gavva • Z'mortama Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Translated names Accuser • Administrator • Alliance • Battle Cruiser • Bird of Prey • Bringer of Agony • Bringer of Destiny • Bringer of Destruction • Bringer of Justice • Carrier of Doom • Catapult • Chancellor • Death Boot • Death Rite • Death Stalker • Defender • Devil • Emperor • Enforcer • Ever Victorious • Fat Man • Fierce Revenge • Great Bird • Grim Reaper • (Gull) • Healer • Insurrection • Little Killer • Luckless • Mender • Mover • (Murph) • One Wing • Painbringer • Pathmaker • Predator • (Raptor) • Ravenous • Relentless • Revenge • Saber • Seeker • Shadow • Speedstar • Stalker • Star • Stinger • Stingtongue • Strong Victor • Stronger Bird • Suspicious • Swiftwind • Sword of Kahless • Throne Seeker • Trader's Game • Truthbringer • Tugboat • Unseen Creeper • Warrior's Anger • Watcher • Winner
Alphanumeric names B5 • D2 • D3 • D4 • D4x • D5 • D6 • D7 • (D7/D5 Klolode • D7 Akif • D7A • D7C • D7G • D7M • D7R • D7S • D7 Koloth) • D9 • D10 (bird of prey) • D10 (cruiser) • D11 • D12 (bird of prey) • D12 (cruiser) • D14 • D16 • D18 • D20 • D21A • D32 • E4 • E6 • F5 • F5B • F5C • F5G • F5GB • F5K • F5L • F5W • F5Y • F6 • FWC • FWK • FWL • G2 • G3 • G4 • G5 • G6 • G8 • K3 • K4 • K5 • K6 • K14 • K15 • K17 • K18 • K22 • (K22B) • K23 • K24 • K26 • K27 • K30 • K32 • L6 • L9 • L13 • L20 • L24 • L42 • S4 • S5 • S8 • T3 • T5 • T12 • W2 • W4
By time period or type Birds-of-prey (22nd century bird of prey • 2260s bird of prey) • 23rd century scout vessel • mobile battle base • battleship • cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • dropship • mining freighter • prison barge • repair ship • scout ship • strike raider • transit-hopper

External links[]


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