Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS Quirinal (NCC-82610) was a 24th century Federation starship, a Vesta-class multi-mission explorer in Starfleet service in the 2380s decade. Initially, the Quirinal was one of the few Starfleet starships equipped with a quantum slipstream drive. Its commanding officer was Captain Regina Farkas. (VOY novel: Children of the Storm)

Service history and disposition[]

The Vesta-class was first launched in the year 2379. All Vesta-class multi-mission explorers were equipped with quantum slipstream drive, a technology brought back from the Delta Quadrant by the USS Voyager, which accommodated a top speed of warp 9.9999+. The initial fleet consisted of seven ships. After the USS Vesta (NCC-82601), the first ships were named after the seven hills of Rome, including the USS Quirinal. (TOSC Issue Bonus Edition 6: "USS Aventine")

Around 2381, the Quirinal was fitted with a quantum slipstream drive and assigned to Project Full Circle, under the command of Captain Regina Farkas, as part of the fleet tasked with exploration of the Delta Quadrant. The crew complement at the time was 681. (VOY novel: Full Circle)

Earth Spacedock Docked Starships display

A system display on Earth Spacedock showing the names and registry numbers of several Federation starships docked at the space station in 2410, including the Quirinal.

Following the Undine attack on the Sol system in 2410[4], the Quirinal was docked inside Earth Spacedock. It later left, and its docking slot was taken up by the USS Tempest. (STO - A New Accord mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

First Splinter timeline[]

Quirinal NCC-82610 supplement

The Quirinal in the Delta Quadrant.

In the First Splinter[5] timeline, the Quirinal, along with the USS Planck and USS Demeter were a part of a fleet to make contact with the Children of the Storm. During the battle that ensued, Quirinal attempted a slipstream jump to escape, resulting in a crash landing on another planet. The 618 survivors were located by the USS Voyager nearly two weeks later. The USS Achilles was sent to repair Quirinal while the USS Galen took on the survivors of the crew. The Quirinal was able to capture 10 of the Children in a cargo bay before they escaped the battle; they were enclosed in an undamaged cargo bay and given the highest priority for power reserves by the surviving crew, as their detonation would have destroyed the shipwreck and killed the crew.

B'Elanna Torres indicated that the Achilles had the capabilities to produce the parts and manpower to repair and relaunch the ship, but she doubted that they would be successful in restoring the ship to flight, let alone restoring it to slipstream capability. Despite her objections, Fleet Commander Afsarah Eden instructed Torres that the ship would be repaired no matter the cost. The Quirinal was successfully repaired and relaunched after an aggressive and highly coordinated repair effort by B'Elanna Torres and the crew of the Achilles. (VOY novel: Children of the Storm)

Quirinal in slipstream

Travelling in slipstream.

In September 2381, the Quirinal, along with the USS Curie, USS Esquiline and USS Hawking, became partially embedded in a fragment of the Omega Continuum. The crew on the normal-space side of the fracture were beamed to safety aboard the Achilles and returned to the Alpha Quadrant. Those crew on the Omega Continuum side of the vessel, under the command of Ensign Sadie Johns, destroyed the ship and themselves in the hopes of restoring space to its normal state. (VOY novel: The Eternal Tide)


USS Quirinal personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Phinnegan Bryce • Costa • Gregor Denisov • Regina Farkas • Fredericks • Preston Ganley • Genevieve • Krim Hoch • Tonil Hornung • Jepel Omar • Sadie Johns • Kogdon • Mavila • Miller • Narv • Nathan • Julian Psilakis • Riggs • Rivin • Malcolm Roach • El'nor Sal • Sanchez • Sienna Kar • Stanton • Ti'Ana • Yuka Seal of the Federation Starfleet.



Ships assigned to Project Full Circle
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets Achilles • Curie • Demeter • Esquiline • Galen • Hawking • Planck • Quirinal • Vesta • Voyager Seal of the Federation Starfleet
Vesta-class multi-mission explorer starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration Aventine • Capitoline • Esquiline • Hypatia • Quirinal • Vesta • Viminal Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Aventine-subclass: Aventine • Brigid-subclass: Brigid • Caelian-subclass: Caelian • Esquiline-subclass: Esquiline • Palatine-subclass: Palatine • Rademaker-subclass: Rademaker
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
standard configuration ISS Esquiline • ISS Vesta Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Aventine-subclass: ISS Aventine • Rademaker-subclass: ISS Rademaker

Appearances and references[]




This section is written
from the Real World
point of view
Memory Beta

External link[]
