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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Shenandoah.

The USS Shenandoah (NCC-73024) was a Starfleet Danube-class runabout in service in the 24th century. It was assigned to Deep Space 9 in the 2370s.


In the year 2373, the Shenandoah, along with the USS Rio Grande, was used by Jadzia Dax and Worf to transport tribbles infesting Bajor's Tozhat Province to cargo ships in orbit of the Bajoran homeworld. (DS9 short story: "The Tribbles' Pagh")

In 2374, Worf and Jadzia used the Shenandoah to travel to a location near the Badlands where they were to be contacted by Lasaran, a Cardassian working for Starfleet on Cardassia. Lasaran informed them that the Dominion was growing suspicious of him and he would need to be extracted from Cardassian territory. Agreeing to help Lasaran defect on Soukara, Dax used information from Lasaran to pilot the Shenandoah through a gap in the Soukara system's sensor grid in an asteroid field and land on the planet's surface. After Jadzia was injured by a Jem'Hadar, Worf aborted the mission several days later and returned to the Shenandoah. He had planned to put Jadzia in the runabout's stasis chamber to keep her stabilized for the journey back to Deep Space 9 for medical treatment. (DS9 episode: "Change of Heart")

Later that year, Nog took the Shenandoah to Starbase 257 to receive a message for Grand Nagus Zek from the Federation. Also aboard was Jake Sisko, who was hoping for an interview with Zek for the Federation News Service, although he had told Nog he was only coming as he wanted to see Ferenginar. Soon after departing, the starbase came under attack by the Jem'Hadar and one Jem'Hadar fighter engaged the Shenandoah. Forced to pilot the Shenandoah into Dominion-held space on a direct course, the Jem'Hadar fighter soon caught up with the Shenandoah and began to fire upon it. The Shenandoah was losing main power when the USS Valiant arrived and engaged the Jem'Hadar, transporting Nog and Jake off the runabout in the process. (DS9 episode: "Valiant")



Ships named Shenandoah
United Earth SS Shenandoah United Earth icon image.
Earth Starfleet Shenandoah United Earth icon image. Earth Starfleet icon image.
Federation, Starfleet USS Shenandoah (23rd century) • USS Shenandoah (Steamrunner-class) • USS Shenandoah (Danube-class) Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Danube-class runabouts
Federation Starfleet Acheron • Amazon • Brahmaputra • Cam • Crow River • Danube • Elestan • Euphrates • Gander • Ganges (I) • Ganges (II) • Genesee • Glyrhond • Holana • Hudson (I) • Inwood • Irrawaddy • Lorus • Marquand • Mattingly • Mekong • Mississippi • Missouri • NCC-70310 • NCC-73918 • Nile • Orinoco • Platte • Rio Grande • Rubicon • Runabout • Seine • Senha • Shenandoah • St. Lawrence • Styx • Sungari • Taaj • Tecyr • Tiber • Volga • Yangtzee Kiang • Yolja • Yukon • Zambesi UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Terran Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Delaware • Hydaspes • Runabout • Vistula Seal of the Terran Empire.
Starbase Deep Space 9 auxiliary craft
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Amazon • Brahmaputra • Defiant (I) • Defiant (II) • Euphrates • Gander • Ganges • Goddard • Mekong • Mississippi • Missouri • Nile • Orinoco • Platte • Rio Grande • Rubicon • Sao Paulo • Shenandoah • Sungari • Volga • Yangtzee Kiang • Yolja • Yukon • Zambesi Seal of the Federation Starfleet.

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