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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Theseus.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

The USS Theseus (NX-1987) was a Federation starship, entering service in the 23rd century as a Discovery-class cruiser in Starfleet service from the 2260s decade. The ship would be heavily modified to return to service in the 2370s, around the year 2378. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 1")

In the 2270s, the Theseus represented modern Starfleet and served as flagship for Admiral Koraxi, operating out of Starbase 212. (TOS - Year Five comic: "Issue 13")

Service history and disposition[]


Theseus assignment patch

USS Theseus assignment patch.

Befitting the name Theseus, Montgomery Scott rebuilt the Theseus to be a modular ship, with advanced technology atop "old bones".

In Earth culture, Theseus was a ship whose every part were replaced over time.

Starfleet operated a named USS Theseus (NCC-552) in the 2260s. In the year 2266, the Theseus was assigned to the Taurus Reach to defend Starbase 47. (VAN novel: Open Secrets)

23rd century[]

The Theseus was commissioned at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in the year 2268. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 1")

Theseus NX-1987

The Theseus (NX-1987) in 2270.

In 2270, the Theseus was at Starbase 212, where it was under the direct control of Admiral Koraxi, though it was captained by Captain Olanolan.

The Theseus served as the site of a reception where Captain James T. Kirk and his ship, the USS Enterprise was to be congratulated for a successful five-year mission. During the reception, Kirk spoke with Attorney General Areel Shaw about the Originalist faction, and the future of the Federation. The reception was interrupted by IKS Gauntlet, suddenly appearing within visual range of the Theseus, and demanding Kirk be handed over for his crimes against the Klingon Empire. After transporting a Klingon to the ship to try and negotiate, Kirk is accused of his crimes, and told he will die for them. Kirk recorded his last will and testament aboard the Theseus, and was transported to the Gauntlet. (TOS - Year Five comic: "Issue 13")

While Kirk was aboard the Gauntlet, Leonard McCoy and Spock uncovered a medical conspiracy perpetuated by Admiral Koraxi, and rendered him unconscious, then relieved him of command, handing control back over to captain Olanolan. Shaw and Olanolan rescued Kirk, and under Kirk's suggestion, blinded the Gauntlet with phaser warning shots and wide beam scan pulses. The Gauntlet then fled. (TOS - Year Five comic: "Issue 14")

In 2271, the Theseus embarked for Tzenkethi space on a first contact protocols assignment. The mission cost the lives of 127 crewmembers.

The Theseus was heavily damaged during the V'Ger Crisis in 2273.

In 2277, Starfleet reassigned the Theseus as an experimental technology testing vessel. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 1")

24th century[]

In 2317, the Theseus was retired to drydock at Starfleet's Qualor II Surplus Depot Z15.


Captain Montgomery Scott.

In 2370, Captain Montgomery Scott recommissioned the ship. Technologies and methods of Captain Scott's own design were used in the ship's reconstruction.

Scotty deemed the reconstruction completed and the ship ready for service in 2377, after the end of the Dominion War of 2373-2375.


Captain Benjamin Sisko, 2379.

On stardate 55301.2, Captain Benjamin Sisko was returned from his existence with the Prophets in the Bajoran wormhole to the normal universe, tasked to stop a galactic deicide. Sisko initially sought out the USS Enterprise-E for his task. Though Jean-Luc Picard lacked the clearance to grant Sisko usage of the Enterprise, he arranged for Scotty to loan Sisko the Theseus, on the condition that Sisko take Data as first officer. The crew of the Theseus wore a variant of the 2370s-era Starfleet uniform. Data's colleague, Doctor Beverly Crusher from the Enterprise-E also joined a chief medical officer. Additional senior staff included Lieutenant Tom Paris and Ensigns T'Lir and Lily Sato.

Sisko took the Theseus to the Hephaestus Nebula. Linking several of the ship's experimental systems, including the solarvoltaic power relays and anti-cloak subroutines, science officer T'Lir revealed the presence of hundreds of crystalline entities inside the nebula, the crew arriving in time to see them annihilated by an unknown attacker. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 1")

The Theseus then travelled to Qo'noS, hoping to beseech the aid of Emperor Kahless for passage to the fabled Sarkadesh. Though Kahless refused, Worf joined the Theseus to travel to the planet. Granted temporary command, Worf exploited the Theseus's experimental systems to deter the Klingon pursuers from attacking. Once Sisko gained what he could from Sarkadesh, Worf was formally reinstated as a Starfleet officer. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 2")

As the Theseus warped, it was visited by Q, seeking to test if the crew was truly capable of facing the god-killer. Passing his test, Q told Sisko to seek out the God City of T'Kon. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 3")

Using data gleamed from Q, T'Lir and Sato discovered a way to track Kardashev tachyons, allowing them to find the God City in the space between the Romulan and Klingon Empires. As the structure was large enough, the Theseus flew into the God City where it was confronted by Kahless, seeking to extend the Klingons' original deicide to all gods in the galaxy. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 4")

Unleashing the power of the Orb of Destruction, Kahless attempted to kill the God City only for the Theseus crew to prevent his killing blow. As Kahless retreated, the enraged city awoke and set course for Earth, seeking to destroy it in revenge. Falling out with Sikso over their differing approach, Worf left the Theseus. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 5")

Relating to the God City's feelings of being used by more powerful lifeforms, Sisko was able to make a connection with it, convincing it of the futility of revenge. Activating its proto-warp, the Theseus caught up with the God City at Sol. Once the crew had re-boarded, the Theseus set course for Deep Space 9 to strategize their next moves. (ST - Godshock comic: "Part 6")


USS Theseus

The USS Theseus in 2554.

In the 2550s, a new USS Theseus (NCC-88050) served in Starfleet. The 26th century Theseus-class temporal cruiser itself was an evolution of the 23rd century Perseus-class design. (STO website: 26th Century Ship Stats)

Crew manifest[]

See USS Theseus personnel.



Ships named Theseus
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. USS Theseus (NCC-552, Cochise-class) • USS Theseus (NX-1987) • USS Theseus (NCV-88050, Theseus-class) • see also: Theseus-class Seal of the Federation Starfleet.

Appearances and references[]



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 ST - Godshock comic: "Part 1".