Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ursis Load B-1 was a Federation outpost, an R1 Administrator-class space station. In Starfleet service in the late 23rd century, around the 2280s decade, this station was used as a Federation treasury depository. (FASA RPG module: Regula-1 Orbital Station Deckplans)


Federation outposts
Various facilities Epsilon Ceti OutpostAlien Life Studies InstituteOutpost HadrianScience Outpost D5Outpost Seran T-1Two Dawns Archives Daystrom OneMemory AlphaMemory BetaMemory GammaMemory DeltaMemory EpsilonMemory PrimeSymphony Alpha Mining facilities Angrena mining outpost (Angrena) • Beta Argola mining outpost (Beta Argola) • BorSitu Minor mining outpost (BorSitu Minor) • DSE-GrissomAlphaBetaGammaDeltaOmicronThetaEpsilon27Pergium Production Station (Janus VI) Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Planetary outposts 771Aldos II science stationArchanis IV research outpost (Archanis IV) • Babel Station (Babel) • Beta Epsilon (Phaedra) • Boradis III outpost (Boradis III) • Bunker (Earth) • Calder II outpostCaleb IV outpost (Caleb IV) • Cestus III Outpost (Cestus III) • Darwin Genetic Research Station (Gagarin IV) • Delta VII outpost (Delta VII) • Elaphe Vulpina IX outpost (Elaphe Vulpina IX) • Ellison Research Outpost (Gateway) • Ennis OutpostEridian Vault (Eris) • Facility 18 (New Montana) • Filos IV research stationFort Fed (Tenkara) • Genetics Research Station 17 (Aleph III) • Haven Facility (Vesuvi VI) • M-317 outpost (M-317) • Mycena outpost (Mycena) • Nesta research stationObsidian outpost (Obsidian) • Ohniaka III outpost (Ohniaka III) • Otari II outpostOutpost Hunter (Delta Vega) • Outpost Omega-70Outpost Tarsus IV (Tarsus IV) • Prometheus Science CenterRellon Station (Pyrellia) • Robert Crater Archeology Institute (M-113) • Setlik III outpost (Setlik III) • Sowtha depot (Sowtha) • Starfleet Headquarters (Earth) • Starfleet Science CenterOutpost T-22 (Kalandra Minor) • Tanis Base (Tanis) • Thraz OutpostVostok Academy (Mercury) • ULAPG42821DB (Psi 2000) • Xerxes IV science station
Space station outposts 2440187 (Gateway) • 402Archernar IV contact station/airlock stationAriadne 1ARK-7Asimov CenterAvogadro CenterAvril StationBabel Orbital Center 1Benecia Medical StationBiblioTech 1Boundary 1Bova CenterBradbury CenterBrahms CenterBrin CenterBrundage Point Listening StationClanhaven 1Chriton CenterClark CenterCochrane CenterCompassion 1Daystrom CenterDeep Space Communications Link StationDeep Space Monitor Stations (18K8-GG) • DO-2Doppler CenterEspoir StationFacility 4028Frege CenterGamma Hydra 1Homeaway StationIpicran 1Gibson CenterHeinlein CenterHuxley Center Kaferia II stationStation Kel-ArtisLinden Navigational OutpostManheim Temporal Research FacilityMaximus 1Mercy 1Mertens Orbital Research StationNiven CenterOthello 1Parley Point 1Planck CenterPournelle CenterResearch Satellite-5SADASagan CenterSarak CenterSimmons CenterSoong CenterTango SierraTerra 1Unitas 1Unity Point 1Ursis Load A-1Ursis Load B-1Valeria stationVerne CenterWagner Trading PostWarlock StationWelles CenterZeta Reticuli Orbital Research Facility
Federation Defense Outposts 6182936434460858991102112148157194216229238248287323337361366372375396417438457498507524545573579581602607608629665724735768780797856859893930103810511121120412371286131713781426142714281520
Outer Sector Defense Outposts 14
Intelligence stations Bargrik 1Bugblatter 1Charybdis 1Chimera 1Dragon Lady 1Fafnir 1Gammorah 1Ghidrah 1Grendel 1Gritchin 1Hyde 1Mothra 1Namu 1Nightmare 1Nosferatu 1Pennywise 1Polladori 1Poltergeist 1Raven 1Rodan 1Sasquatch 1Scylla 1Shadow 1Snark 1Tingler 1T'prelki 1Typhon 1Vermithrax 1Vlad 1Wief 1
Romulan Neutral Zone Outposts Delta Zero 8Earth Outpost Stations: 123456789101112131415161718192021222332Foxtrot Outposts: IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXIIXIIIQuebec Outposts: 123456Romeo Outposts: 123Sierra Outposts: 1234567Tango Outposts: 1234Watchtowers: 13
Gamma Outposts 712 Delta Outposts 123456789 Epsilon Outposts 1234567891011
Deep space research facility 39 FCO Outposts 47 Jupiter Outposts 92Jupiter StationGanymede Station
Processing facilities 057156295406409645684786 Relay stations 47 Trading stations 549680105910808243940098359874