Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Vegan Tyranny was an interstellar political entity controlled by the native Vegan species of Vega IX in the Alpha Quadrant. The Tyranny once controlled a vast area of space. However, by the time of the Federation the Vegans had gone extinct, and subsequently little was known about them; some speculated that they may have been a cybernetic race. (ST references: The Worlds of the Federation, Star Trek Maps)

History and specifics[]

It had amassed notable territory by the 20th century. (ST reference: Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library) A treaty boundary quadrant 0 star chart showed that its borders at one point encompassed Alpha Centauri, Altair, Arcturus, Babel, Sigma Draconis, and Tellar. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

In 1529, forces of the Vegan Tyranny invaded Rigel VII. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

When the USS Enterprise was accidentally sent back in time to 1969, Montgomery Scott reminded James T. Kirk that the Vegan Tyranny wholly dominated space outside the local group of stars, and therefore it was unsafe for the Enterprise to go there. (TOS - Star Trek 2 novelization: Tomorrow is Yesterday)

Andorians made first contact with remnants of the Vegan Tyranny on reference stardate 0/2207, leading to sporadic wars. Occasional combat occurred between Earth starships and vessels later believed to belong to the Vegan Tyranny between stardates 0/5900 and 0/7300. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)

By the 23rd century the Vegans had gone extinct and Vega IX itself had been colonized by both Delta III and the Federation. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

The Vegan Tyranny first appeared outside the Star Trek universe in James Blish's Cities in Flight series of novels. Blish established them in the Star Trek universe in his novelization of "Tomorrow is Yesterday".


One of the relics of the Tyranny still present on the planet was the Vegan choriomeningitis disease, a synthetic microorganism created by the Vegans. The disease was not detected until it had been carried to several other Federation worlds, resulting in a widespread outbreak. Fortunately a vaccine was quickly developed. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

In the early 2260s, researchers searched the remains of pulverized dwarf planets in the outer orbit of Vega to attempt to discern what led the Vegan civilization to destroy itself in civil war. One underground bunker apparently survived, mostly intact, within the planetary debris disk. (TOS novel: The Captain's Oath)

Archeologists were undecided whether ruins on Altair, Greensward, and Triacus originated from the Vegan Tyranny or the Preservers. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)



major states in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants
Khitomer Accords Cardassian Union • Ferengi Alliance • Klingon Empire • United Federation of Planets
Typhon Pact Breen Confederacy • Gorn Hegemony • Holy Order of the Kinshaya • Romulan Star Empire • Tholian Assembly • Tzenkethi Coalition
Khitomer Alliance Cardassian Union • Deferi • Delta Alliance • Dominion • Ferengi Alliance • Klingon Empire • Lukari Concordium • Romulan Republic • United Federation of Planets • Voth Separatists
non-aligned states Acamarian Sovereignty Boslic Anarchy • Cairn Democracy • Daa'Vit Confederacy • Danteri Empire • Farius Planetary Authority • First Federation • Gottar Hegemony • Grigari • Hydran Kingdom • Idanian Clans • Imperial Klingon States • Interstellar Concordium • Iyaaran Scientocracy • J'naii Council • Jibetian Confederacy • Kaelon Republic • Karg Empire • Kentari Union • Ktarian Enclave • Kzinti Patriarchy • Lissepian Corporatocracy • Lyran Star Empire • Mentosh Assembly • Metron Consortium • New Thallonian Protectorate • Nyberrite Alliance • Orion Colonies • Pelian Republic • Patriarchy • Regnancy of the Carnelian Throne • Sattar Collective • Sheliak Corporate • Shirn Alliance • Talarian Republic • Tanugan Anocracy • Tarn Empire • Tezwa • Tirrion Assembly • Ubarrak Primacy • Venette Convention • Vomnin Confederacy
defunct states Hiram Assembly • Hradrian Empire • Husnock Star Kingdom • Imperial Romulan State • Partnership of Civilizations • Slaver Empire • Stellar Kingdom of Corill • Thallonian Empire • Thelasian Trading Confederacy • Vegan Tyranny • Zalkat Union
states unique to the mirror universe Galactic Commonwealth • Klingon-Cardassian Alliance • Terran Empire • Terran Republic
states from other alternate timelines Alliance • Confederation of Earth • Control Borg • Erdenreich • Galactic Union • Iconian Alliance • Iconian-Dominion Alliance • Interstellar Axis • Interstellar Coalition • Interstellar Union • Klingon-Andorian Compact • Vulcan-Andorian Empire • Vulcan Protectorate • Vulcan Star Empire


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