Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Stellar cartography star chart hologram.

Veridian is a star with an orbiting star system containing six planets, located in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

In 2371, Dr. Tolian Soran attempted to collapse Veridian using a trilithium weapon in order change the region's gravitational constant, which would change the course of the Nexus energy ribbon so it would pass through Veridian III and allow Soran to re-enter. Fortunately, his plan was thwarted by Captains' Jean-Luc Picard and James T. Kirk. (TNG movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Generations)




Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (V)
V2292 Ophiuchi • Vab 7791 • Vacca • Vagra • Vaina • Valar Majoris • Valda • Valeo Beta • Valhalla • Val'tek • Valverian • Valvox • Vandalia • Van Daraan • Vandor • Vantar • Van'tek • Varanu • Varda • Varrina • Varkien • Varlos • Varmun • Varrek • Varrina • Varsiuk • Varsiun • Vasapa • Vaskara • Vastak • Vaughn-Creighton • Vayt • Vaytan • Vazadi • Vehla • Vehtora • Veiled Maw • Veisa • Vela • Vela OB2-404 • Velara • Velarrh • Vel Daraan • Veldon • Veletus • Velikan • Velkaid • Vellamo • Vellion • Vellun Gamma • Velra • Vemen • Vemix • Vendrak • Vendus A • Venebis • Veneradt • Veneu • Venexar • Venron • Ven'teth • Verianne • Verinius • Verkas • Verlos • Verma Daraan • Vermiur • Vernen • Verne's Horizon • Vesbian • Vestalian • Vestios • Vesuvi • Vet'tara • Vexudex • Viarak • Victorian • Vi Daraan • Videtti • Vigan Delta • Vigo • Viinra • Villiam • Vilmor • Vil'veth • Vimian • Vinmaier • Vinor • Vintaak • Vira • Viran • Virdok • Virima • Visium • Vissia • Vista Draconis • Vistil • Vistrek • Vitabon • Vitera • Vit'zek • Vlora • Vogum • Vok-Nagral • Vola • Volanus • Volmok • Volo Tor • Volrex • Volta • Voltorona • Vordon • Vorkal • Vormiol • Vornek • Vorner • Vornok • Vorrier • Vorsiuk • Vorzun • Voss • Votannis • Votar • Vozlan • Vregon • Vukier • Vuliun • Vulpecula 12 • Vuniex • Vunora • Vuriex • Vurox • VX-266 Singularity Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (V) V2500 Ophiuchi • Valeria • Valo • Van Maanen's Star • Vanden • Varian • Vega • Velos • Venator • Venette • Ventani • Ventarus Idrilon • Verdanis • Vico • Vlugta • Volchok • Volnar Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (V) Vela 3AG • Vela Pulsar • Vendor • Ventax • Veridian • Vertilia • Vesper • Vindemiatrix • Vor • Vor'cha • Vorkado • Vorn • Vorna • Vor'nak • Vulcanis (Vulcanis A • Vulcanis B • Vulcanis C) • V'varia Beta Quadrant icon image.

External link[]
