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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Vidiian warship Eaglemoss 103

Vidiian warship.

The Vidiian warship was a 24th century Vidiian starship class, a warship in Vidiian Sodality service in the 2370s decade. (The Official Starships Collection Issue 103: "Vidiian Warship")

History and specifications[]

Vidiian warship

Vidiian Sodality warship.

The Vidiian warship was 300 meters long and could attain a speed of warp factor 9.6 when it was in service in the 2370s. (The Official Starships Collection Issue 103: "Vidiian Warship")

One vessel of the class was the Fina Prime, sharing its name with the planet Fina Prime. The Fina Prime was classified as a battlecruiser. The ship was armed with a grappler and hypothermic charges. It could deploy Vidiian boarding parties. (WizKids module: Attack Wing, Expansion Pack "Fina Prime")

It was smaller than the Savior-class cruiser, which shared the grappler technology but fired hyper-thermic charges. (VOY episode: "Deadlock")

Known vessels[]



starship classes of the Vidiian Sodality
By name CruiserSaviorScout Vidiian Sodality
By type battlecruisercruiserscout vesselwarship (Savior warship)


External links[]
