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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Violaceans[3] were a sentient species, a warp-capable civilization of mammalian humanoids in the galaxy active in interstellar affairs by the 23rd century. The Violaceans were Federation members by the 2260s decade. (TOS episode: "Journey to Babel")


Violaceans were humanoids and lived in class M planetary conditions. They resembled Humans except for their distinctive purple skin. (TOS episode: "Journey to Babel")

Like Humans and other species, the skin's hue varied between individuals. (LD episodes: "Envoys", "No Small Parts")


Violaceans participated as delegates and ambassadors on diplomatic events relevant to the Federation. (TOS episode: "Journey to Babel", TOS movies: The Voyage Home, The Undiscovered Country)

Members of this species dressed in elaborate robes. (TOS movies: The Undiscovered Country, Star Trek Beyond)

They also wore less elaborate, more revealing clothes, combined with ostentatious hairdo. (TOS episode: "Journey to Babel")

By the 24th century, Violaceans served in Federation Starfleet. Due to their humanoid build, they dressed in standard Starfleet uniform without species-specific modifications. (LD episode: "Envoys")


By the 23rd century, the Violaceans had acceded to the United Federation of Planets. Violacean participation occurred in Federation events in the 2260s. In the year 2268, one woman was the only Violacean delegate at the Babel Conference regarding the admission of the People's Republic of Coridan to the Federation. She conversed with other delegates during when Starfleet ferried the representatives aboard the USS Enterprise to Coridan III. (TOS episode: "Journey to Babel")

The events were targeted by a radical Na'kuhl faction as part of the Temporal Cold War. The Violacean delegate remained oblivious to the time travel incident. (STO - Agents of Yesterday mission: "Return to Babel")

This mission provides the name for the species.

A Violacean ambassador was seated in the Council of the United Federation of Planets on Earth during the events of the Cetacean Probe crisis. This man stood out with his yellow irises. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home)

Violacean delegates participated in the Khitomer Conference in Khitomer City on Khitomer II in 2293. (TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country)

Violaceans served in Starfleet by the 24th century. In the 2380s, the crew of the California-class starship USS Cerritos included an ensign serving in the ship's security department. In 2380, his superior officer was Lieutenant Shaxs. (LD episodes: "Envoys", "Temporal Edict")

Later that year, another Violacean ensign transferred to the Cerritos. She was a member of the command division. (LD episode: "No Small Parts")

In 2381, a Violacean was walking across the promenade on Starbase 25 while that station hosted Starfleet's prestigious Command Conference and its afterparty. (LD episode: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Volis served as an ensign in the command division aboard the Cerritos in 2381. (LD episode: "I, Excretus")

Alternate timeline[]

Violacean girl

A Violacean child aboard Yorktown in 2263.

In the Kelvin timeline, a young girl with tied hair and bright yellow robe lived aboard Starbase Yorktown. She was present in the welcoming area when the USS Enterprise docked at the starbase in 2263. (TOS movie: Star Trek Beyond)

Known individuals[]


Appearances and references[]




This section is written
from the Real World
point of view
Memory Beta
  • The name Violacean refers to Violet (color)WP, another word for purple.

External links[]
