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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Vulcan Administrator was the head of government of the Confederacy of Vulcan and appeared to have direct authority over the Vulcan High Command.

History and specifics[]

The Administrator was chosen on the basis of merit, and governed Vulcan with the approval of the Vulcan Council. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Kir'Shara")

The office of Administrator was held by V'Las in 2154. He was removed from office during the Syrrannite Reformation following the discovery of the Kir'Shara and the collapse in support for his planned invasion of Andoria. (ENT episode: "Kir'Shara")

Following the reformation T'Pau was made leader of Vulcan's civilian government and the military. In this role she initially took the title First Minister, but was by mid-2155 commonly referred to as Administrator. (ENT novels: The Good That Men Do, Kobayashi Maru, Beneath the Raptor's Wing)



Government of the Confederacy of Vulcan
Governmental positions Administrator • First Minister • Foreign Minister • Minister
Legislative bodies Assembly • Council • Expunging Group • High Assembly • High Command • Proposal Group • Rectification Group
Ministries Defense • Health • Information • Science • Security • State • Thought • Trade
Military and security Defense Force • Guard• High Command • Intelligence • Security • V'Ket • V'Shar • V'Kor
Other agencies Advisory Council • Archives • Bureau of Public Safety • Diplomatic Corps • Genome Registry • Mining Institute • National Merchant Fleet • Science Academy • Science Council • Science Directorate • Space Central • Space Council • Space Forces • Space Initiative • Space Program
Heads of Government
Interstellar States Federation President • Klingon Chancellor • Romulan Praetor • Imperial Romulan State Empress • Romulan Empress • Romulan Republic Proconsul • Cardassian Castellan • Cardassian Chief Executor • Ferengi Grand Nagus • Tzenkethi Autarch • Gorn Imperator • Gorn King • Breen Domo • Orion Chancellor • Tholian Ruling Conclave • Thallonian Prime Minister • Tezwan Prime Minister • Enoch President • Kropasar High Cyning • Caeliar Tanwa-Seynorral • Talarian Commander-in-Chief • Kinshaya Pontifex
Federation Member States United Earth Prime Minister • Vulcan Administrator • Vulcan First Minister • Andorian Presider • Alpha Centauri Governor • Bajoran First Minister • Bolian President • Trill President • Cestus Governor • Betazoid Governor • Denevan President • Pacifican Governor • Peliar Zel Governor • Zaldan Leader • Zeta-Atezian Imperator
Federation Colonies Tarsus Governor • Alpha V Governor • Mantilles Governor • Caldos Governor
UFP Member State Polities United States President (United Earth) • Indian Prime Minister (United Earth) • Governor of Prophet's Landing (Republic of Bajor)
Mirror Universe Terran Emperor • Terran Consul • Klingon Regent • Gorn Imperator • Chairman of the Galactic Commonwealth • Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire


The relationship between the titles of Administrator and First Minister in the Vulcan government is unclear, as both have been used to refer to the individuals who are head of government. The ENT novel: The Good That Men Do affirms that T'Pau is the new Vulcan head of government following the reformation, ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru then established T'Pau as First Minister, while ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing later referred to her as Administrator. The Good That Men Do also establishes that T'Pau is head of both the civilian government and Vulcan military, while Beneath the Raptor's Wing later confirmed the High Command as the military branch of the government. Thus T'Pau as head of state of Vulcan appears to hold to two titles; Administrator of the High Command, and First Minister, presumably the leading figure of the Vulcan Council. It is also possible that Administrator is a rank and First Minister is a position or title.

