Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See Meier for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Wes Meier was a 23rd century Human man. He served Starfleet in the sciences division aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise in the 2270s under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.

Meier was adept in the fields of linguistics and geology.


In 2275, during a survey of the planet Flyspeck, Leonard McCoy reassigned Meier from the linguistics department to conduct a full mineral survey aboard a shuttlecraft, particularly to search for iron ore deposits. While relaying the assignment, he picked Wes over fellow crewman Wilma Meier. (TOS novel: Doctor's Orders)

In 2276, both Wes and Wilma Meier were listed as names of "no show" passengers on the starliner Vega's list of 4,273 passengers. Subcommander tr'Annhwi seemed rather interested in "W. Meier" when he captured that vessel, as the same name appeared twice on the passenger list. (TOS novel: The Romulan Way)

Wes and Wilma Meier served and traveled together, suggesting that they were either married or siblings.



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) sciences personnel
under Charles Rasmussen & Robert April Allinsky • Griggs • N'a'tt'n'a'i • Osterman • Ramirez under Christopher Pike Cayman • Chia • Davies • Kirk • Lucero • Reed • Shinobi • Spock • T'Pris • Viola • Yu Starfleet emblem. USS Enterprise sciences assignment insignia.
under James T. Kirk
(first five-year mission)
Ackroyd • Alden • Amstel • Aristeides • Avitts • Bennit • Berganza • Bergdahl • Berkley • Berry • Berryman • Bistie • Boma • Bordell • Brad • Brent • Calloway • Carstairs • Charvat • Clark • D'Amato • Darnell • Dimas • Domberwicky • Durban • Ellis • Erickson • Errgang • Faust • Ferriter • Fisher • Follett • Frank • Freeman • Freyer • Galway • George • Giacomo • Gilden • Greelee • Greenburg • Haines • Harrison • Helman • Hernandez • Herrada • Hinton • Homeyer • Hopkins • Hurst • Irizarry • Jaeger • Jameson • Jaramillo • Karras • Kearly • Krisp • Kwan • Lawton • Lindstrom • Lowrey • Mai • Manprasad • Margolis • Mason • C. Masters • Maynooth • McGivers • Meier • Mejia • Mendoza • Moreau • Morris • Mulhall • Nelson • O'Hara • O'Shea • Owens • Palamas • Parham • Pearson • Perez • Phillips • Pittarese • Plikin • Randall • Rathbone • Niall Rawlins • Rodino • Rodriguez • Romaine • Rose • Russell • Sanchez • Schafer • Spock • Stewart • Sturgeon • Sulu • Sydney • Tamboline • Tormolen • Tracy • Tremain • Valjean • Vedama • Vigeland • D. Watley • E. Watley • Weaver • Weinberg • Wells • Ybarra
subsequent missions under Kirk & Spock Amaar • Bolek • Chang • D'Hennish • Fisher • Freeman • Greywolf • Haley • Hester-Jones • Kwan • W. Meier • Nakashima • Naraht • Saavik • Sagady • Sonak • Spock • Tenaida • Themon • Theras • T'Yee • Uuvu'it • Whitehorse UFP emblem. USS Enterprise sciences assignment insignia.
see also: administrative personnel • communications personnel • engineering personnel • medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • senior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s • 2260s • 2270s and 2280s)

