Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"When the Bough Breaks" was the 18th episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the show's first season, first aired during the week of 15 February 1988. The episode was written by Hannah Louise ShearerMA and directed by Kim MannersMA.


TNG Magazine
The Aldeans, a mythical race rumored to hide their entire planet behind an immense cloaking device, make their presence known to the crew of the Enterprise. Highly advanced technologically, the Aldeans wish to trade. It seems the price of their anonymity has been too high...



Accolan • Alexandra • Bennett • Harry Bernard • Harry Bernard, Sr. • Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Data • Duana • Diana Giddings • Katie • Geordi La Forge • Leda • Mason • Mason's father • Mason's mother • Melian • Jean-Luc Picard • Radue • Rashella • William T. Riker • Rose • Tara • Toya • Deanna Troi • Darien Wallace • Worf, son of Mogh • Natasha Yar • Youngblood
Referenced only
Aran • Zena

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class)


Aldea • Atlantis • Earth • Epsilon Mynos • Xerxes VII • Zadar IV

Races and cultures[]

Aldean • Android • Betazoid • Human • Klingon
Referenced only
Neinman • Romulan

States and organizations[]

Starfleet • United Federation of Planets


14th century • 21st century • calcium • calculus • chromosome • cloaking device • Custodian • dolphin • First Appointee • fish • gamma ray • gravity • magnetic field • medical tricorder • musician • neutrino • nuclear radiation • oceanography • ozone layer • planetary defense system • potassium • radiation poisoning • repulsor beam • shield • solar field • Starfleet Regulations • ultraviolet radiation • unit


Related stories[]

The Buried Age

Before the USS Enterprise-D's discovery of Aldea in this episode, the existence of Aldea was believed to be a myth. While teaching archaeology at the University of Alpha Centauri in the 2350s, Jean-Luc Picard asked his students to name ancient civilizations, and one student jokingly referred to the Aldeans.


published order
Previous episode:
Home Soil
TNG episode produced Next episode:
Coming of Age
Previous episode:
Too Short a Season
TNG episode aired Next episode:
Home Soil
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Home Soil
Pocket Next Adventure:
Coming of Age

External links[]
