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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Xindus.

Xindus was a planet formerly existing in the Xindus system, in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. The planet was located in the Delphic Expanse, the only planet in its star system.

History and specifics[]

Xindus was the homeworld of the six sentient species of the Xindi civilization, until the planet was destroyed in the 2030s decade. The Insectoids, the Aquatics, the Reptilians, the Avians, the Primates, and the Arboreals all shared this world until the breakup of the planet.

Xindus was a geologically unstable planet, destroyed in the peak of the Xindi Civil War, when the Insectoids and Reptilians detonated large weapons under the planet's eight largest seismic features. With their homeworld doomed, the Xindi fled the planet, except for the Avians who remained and were wiped out. The other five species spread out the Delphic Expanse, and established settlements on other worlds. (ENT episodes: "The Xindi", "The Shipment")

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline created by the temporal anomaly crisis in the early 2380s decade, Xindus was restored to existence, sharing its orbit with the remains of the original Xindus. The Xindi resettled the planet, and the Dominion members stranded in local space allied with the Xindi. Xindus became the faction center of the Dominion. Its affiliation with the Federation was contentious, and the world was a target for anti-Dominion factions, like the Hirogen, and rogue Jem'Hadar. (ST video game: Star Trek Timelines)

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