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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See also: Captain's yacht

A yacht is a small water or spacecraft, typically used for leisure and recreational activities.

In 2376, Songmin Wong purchased a Starstream line yacht -- which he christened Nagus -- with latinum he had invested in the Ferengi stock market. (SCE eBook: Paradise Interrupted)

Entrepreneur Rod Portlyn owned six yachts at the height of his career. In 2376, he hosted several officers aboard one of them, the Astral Maiden, in a tour of his holdings around the Norvel system. (SCE eBook: The Art of the Deal) The following year, while attempting to avoid discovery by Starfleet, Portlyn traded in the Astral Maiden for another yacht, the Stellar Dream, at planet Donrus VII. (CoE eBook: The Art of the Comeback)

Portlyn's yacht was not named in the earlier story, but is assumed to be the same one used in the latter, given Captain Gold's ability to identify it by sight.


