Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Yosemite.

The Yosemite was a 24th century Federation small craft, a type-6A shuttlecraft[1] in Starfleet service in the 2380s decade. In the year 2380, the Yosemite was part of the shuttle complement aboard the California-class starship USS Cerritos. (LDs episode: "Second Contact")

Service history and disposition[]

On stardate 57436.2 in 2380, the Yosemite ferried Ensign D'Vana Tendi to her new assignment as nurse aboard the USS Cerritos. Lieutenant Dirk welcomed Tendi after she disembarked from the Yosemite in the Cerritos shuttlebay. (LDs episode: "Second Contact")

During a mission to Tulgana IV, the Yosemite carried General K'orin and Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler to the planet's surface. (LDs episode: "Envoys")

Commander Jack Ransom travelled to Gelrak V in a diplomatic mission on stardate 57501.4. (LDs episode: "Temporal Edict")

In 2381, the Yosemite crashed on a planet while transporting the evil computer AGIMUS and Ensigns Boimler and Mariner to the Daystrom Institute on Earth. (LDs episode: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")


In the year 2381, the rogue artificial intelligence Badgey trapped USS Cerritos officers and visitors in the starship's holodeck. In one of his drills, Badgey tasked the crew with exploring Murasaki 312. Brad Boimler thought Yosemite's stronger shields would allow it to be piloted safely through ionized electromagnetic fields, but it didn't, and the shuttle crashed on Taurus II. (LD video game: The Badgey Directive episode: "The Yosemite Two")



USS Cerritos auxiliary craft
Federation icon image. Death Valley • Joshua Tree • Kings Canyon • Redwood • Sequoia • Yosemite • Vasquez Rocks • Yosemite II • unnamed • captain's yacht Seal of the Federation Starfleet. icon image.
type-6A shuttlecraft
Adonis • Coltrane • Contra Costa • Death Valley • Fairview • Joshua Tree • Kings Canyon • Marpole • Redwood • Red Wood • Sequoia • Vasquez Rocks • Yosemite • Yosemite II • unnamed type-6A shuttlecraft Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.

Appearances and references[]


