Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Zden.

Zden's shuttle was a 25th century Reman runabout, a tier 1-rated Kestrel-class shuttle in Crateris colony service in the 2400s decade. (STO - From the Ashes mission: "Crossroads at Crateris")

Service history and disposition[]

This unnamed Reman shuttlecraft was one of several Kestrel-class shuttles parked on the landing pads of the Reman colony on Crateris II. In the year 2409, a combined force of Tal Shiar and Elachi arrived in the Crateris star system to eradicate the Reman colony. The Remans were caught by surprise because they had remained quiet subjects of the Romulan Star Empire since the settlement.

During the evacuation, Zden and other refugees boarded this shuttle. It was captured by an Elachi Monbosh-class battleship. The Elachi kidnapped the shuttle's occupants, leaving Zden's shuttle adrift. In the aftermath of the attack, the colonists joined the Reman Resistance while Zden's daughter Veril became an officer in the Romulan Republic Navy. (STO - From the Ashes mission: "Crossroads at Crateris")

Zden was rescued from the Elachi later that year. (STO - Vengeance mission: "Devil's Choice")


Appearances and references[]

