Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Zero.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

Zero was a Medusan who lived in the 24th century.


Zero was an inmate at the prison complex Tars Lamora, located deep in the galaxy's Delta Quadrant.

While imprisoned at Tars Lamora, Zero was forced to work for prison officials, exposing newly arrived inmates to its native appearance, turning them into mindless slaves. Eventually, Zero broke free of confinement and fashioned a containment suit, becoming known as Fugitive Zero.

Zero was, as typical for Medusans, telepathic. Zero established mental contact with fellow prisoner Dal R'El, inspiring him to rebel and attempt escape. When the derelict USS Protostar was discovered, Zero and other prisoners - including Dal - stole the vessel and left the system. (PRD episode: "Lost and Found")



USS Protostar personnel
Federation icon image.
Adreek-Hu • Chakotay • Dal R'El • Gwyn • Jankom Pog • Murf • Rok-Tahk • Zero • Kathryn Janeway
Protostar assignment patch icon image.
USS Voyager-A personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets Chakotay • The Doctor • Grom • Gillian • Kathryn Janeway • Edward Jellico • Maj'el • Murf • Noum • Jankom Pog • Dal R'El • Rok-Tahk • Tysess • Zeph • Zero Seal of the Federation Starfleet
USS Prodigy personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets Gwyndala • Janeway (ECH) • Maj'el • Murf • Jankom Pog • Dal R'El • Rok-Tahk • Zero Seal of the Federation Starfleet

Appearances and references[]




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