

2015. The syntax of Mi’gmaq: A configurational account. McGill University (pdf)


Peer-reviewed Journals:

Under review. with Miloje Despic (Cornell). Consequences of Labeling for Morphophonology: v*P Labeling, Feature Interaction, & Direct-Inverse Systems.

2019. with Miloje Despic (Cornell), & Sarah Murray (Cornell). A Cyclic & Multiple Agree account: Person/number marking in Cheyenne. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 37(1), Springer, 51-89. (pdf)

2018. On ordering and reordering arguments in Algonquian. In M. Macaulay & M. Noodin (Eds.) Papers of the Algonquian Conference 47. MSU Press, 107-128. (pdf)

2017. Ditransitives and possessor raising in Mi’gmaq. In M. Macaulay & M. Noodin (Eds.) Papers of the Algonquian Conference 46. Michigan State University press, 81-100. (pdf)

2016. Multiple instances of agreement in Mi’gmaq verbs. In M. Macaulay & M. Noodin (Eds.) Papers of the Algonquian Conference 45. Michigan State University press, 73-91. (pdf)

2015. Phrase structure in Mi’gmaq: A configurational account of a “non-configurational” language. Lingua, 167, 19-40. (pdf)

2012. with Bernhard  Schwartz (McGill) & Brian Buccola (McGill). Two types of class B numeral modifiers: a reply to Nouwen (2010)Semantics & Pragmatics, 5(1), 1-25. (pdf)


2018. with Miloje Despic (Cornell). Syntactic & post-syntactic aspects of Algonquian theme signs. Proceedings of the 48th North East Linguistic Society, University of Massachusetts GLSA Publications, 207-216. (pdf)

2017. with Miloje Despic (Cornell) and Sarah Murray (Cornell). Person/number marking in Cheyenne: Combining Multiple and Cyclic Agree. In A. Kaplan, A. Kaplan & E. Rudin (Eds.) Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 34. (pdf)

2016. with B. Fry (Ottawa). Long-distance agreement in Algonquian: Accounting for syntactic variation. Proceedings of the 50th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, University of Chicago. (pdf)

2015. Default agreement in Mi’gmaq possessor raising and ditransitive constructions. Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 45. (pdf)

2015. Mi’gmaq as a discourse configurational language. Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, The University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics. (pdf)

2013. Wh-movement in Mi’gmaq. In S. Luo (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2013 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Canadian Linguistics Association. (pdf)

2010. with Marie-Odile Junker (Carleton) & Marguerite MacKenzie (Memorial). Is there “pragmatic skewing” in East Cree. In B. Rogers & A. Szakay (Eds.) Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, The University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 29 (pp.126-148), Vancouver: UBCWPL. (pdf)


Invited presentations:

2021. The C-T domain in Algonquian. Move & Agree Forum 2021. University of British Columbia & McGill University, Canada.

2019. Expanding the C-T Feature Inheritance Typology: Long-distance agreement in Algonquian. Keio-Nanzan Syntax Workshop, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.

2019. Syntactic & post-syntactic aspects of Algonquian theme signs (joint work with, and presented by, M. Despic). Keio-Nanzan Syntax Workshop, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.

2019. The influence of discourse factors on Algonquian languages. Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

2018. Syntactic & post-syntactic aspects of Algonquian theme signs (joint work with M. Despic). University of Chicago Morphology & Syntax Seminar, Chicago, Illinois.

2017. Algonquian theme signs: Asymmetric argument indexing and contextual markedness (joint work with M. Despic). Advanced Syntax Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.

2017. Markedness & Algonquian theme signs (joint work with M. Despic). Ottawa- Carleton Linguistics Reading Group, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.

2015. Long-Distance Agreement in Algonquian: Diagnosing syntactic variation (joint work with B. Fry). Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

2015. Long-Distance Agreement in Algonquian. Concordia Linguistics Department, Montreal, Quebec.

2015. Configurationality and Mi’gmaq. Concordia Linguistics Department, Montreal, Quebec.

2014. Implications of prosody in Mi’gmaq. 19th Workshop on Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland. (pdf)

2013. Phrasing in Japanese: Testing Syntax-Prosody mapping hypothesesConcordia Linguistics Student’s Association, Montreal, Quebec.

Presentations, posters, & workshops (without proceedings papers):

2023. with Miloje Despic (Cornell). Consequences of Labeling for Morphophonology: v*P Labeling, Feature Interaction, & Direct-Inverse Systems. 53rd North East Linguistic Society, University of Göttingen, Germany.

2018. Multiple agreement in Algonquian languages. Florida Yearly Linguistics Meeting, Florida International University, Miami, Florida.

2017. with Miloje Despic (Cornell). Algonquian Theme Signs: A markedness account. 22nd Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

2016. with Miloje Despic (Cornell). Theme signs and multiple argument indexing. 48th Algonquian conference, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

2016. with Miloje Despic (Cornell) & Sarah Murray (Cornell). Person/number marking in Cheyenne: Combining Multiple and Cyclic Agree. Presented at the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 34, University of Utah.

2016. The relation between phase heads and non-phase heads: Algonquian languages vs. Miyagawa 2010. Poster presentation at the 39th Generative Linguistics in the Old World, University of Göttingen, Germany. (pdf)

2016. A syntactic account of person/number marking in Cheyenne. Poster presentation at the 39th Generative Linguistics in the Old World, Gottingen, Germany. (pdf)

2016. with Miloje Despic (Cornell) & Sarah Murray (Cornell). Agreement in Cheyenne: A syntactic account. Presented at the 21st Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, University of Quebec at Montreal.

2016. Refining Miyagawa’s (2010) typology of feature inheritance: Starting from Algonquian now we’re here. Poster presentation at the 2016 Linguistics Society of America Annual meeting, Washington D.C.

2015. Simultaneity and relativization: Ordering and reordering arguments in Algonquian. 47th Algonquian conference, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

2015. Feature Inheritance in clausal and verbal domains: Evidence from Mi’gmaq. (Poster) Generative Linguistics in the Old World 38, Paris, France. (pdf)

2015. Flavors of Voice in Mi’gmaq. WSCLA 20, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

2015. Ditransitives and “possessor raising” in Mi’gmaq. 2015 LSA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. (pdf)

2015. with Brandon J. Fry (Ottawa). Algonquian Long-Distance Agreement: a syntactic account. 2015 LSA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. (pdf)

2014. Default agreement in Mi’gmaq possessor raising and ditransitive constructions. NELS 45, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (pdf)

2014. An analysis of ditransitives and “possessor raising” in Mi’gmaq. 46th Algonquian conference. Uncasville, Connecticut.

2014. with Michael Wagner (McGill), Janine Metallic (McGill), MaryAnn Metallic, Janice Vicaire (Listuguj Education Directorate), and Elise McClay (UBC). Focus in Mi’gmaq: Prosodic and syntactic reflexes. 46th Algonquian conference. Uncasville, Connecticut. (pdf)

2014. The syntax and prosody of focus in Mi’gmaq. Exploring The Interfaces 3, McGill University.

2014. with Brandon J. Fry (Ottawa). Long-distance agreement in Algonquian: Accounting for syntactic variation. 50th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, University of Chicago.

2014. with Brandon J. Fry (Ottawa). Accounting for patterns of Long-Distance Agreement in Algonquian. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

2014. The syntax and prosody of focus in Mi’gmaq. Joint session of the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop and the Montreal-Ottawa-Laval-Toronto Phonology Workshop, McGill University.

2014. Deriving overt nominals. Annual Winter Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Languages of the Americas (SSILA), 2014 Linguistics Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

2013. An account of agreement suffixes. 45th Algonquian Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario.

2013. with Brandon J. Fry (Ottawa). Long-distance agreement in Mi’gmaq and Ojibwe: towards a comparative study. 45th Algonquian Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario.

2013. Long-distance agreement in Mi’gmaq. Linguistics Society of America, Left-periphery workshop, 2013 LSA Summer Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

2013. Wh-movement in Mi’gmaq. 2013 Canadian Linguistics Association, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia.

2013. Scope & reconstruction in Mi’gmaq. (Poster) Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal Semantics Workshop, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

2013. Diagnostics for wh-movement in Mi’gmaq: Two outta three ain’t bad. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

2013. Against Non-configurationality in Mi’gmaqAnnual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas, 2013 LSA Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.

2012. (Non-)configurationality in Mi’gmaq. 44th Algonquian Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

2010. Text-setting inna dancehall style. (Poster) Symposium on Language in Action: The power of Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.

2010.with Marie-Odile Junker (Carleton) & Marguerite MacKenzie (Memorial). Is there ‘pragmatic skewing’? 15th Workshop on the Structure & Constituency of the Languages of the Americas, University of Ottawa, Ontario.

2009. Theme signs in East Cree Transitive Animate Verbs. University of Ottawa Undergraduate Linguistics Conference, Ottawa, Ontario.

2009. with Marie-Odile Junker (Carleton) & Marguerite MacKenzie (Memorial). YOU & I morphology in East Cree. 41st Algonquian Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.