Notice: Tisquantum (Squanto) Book Reviews; and Evaluation of Questionable Claims

So, I’ve never gotten around to filling out the promised Appendix to my post on Tisquantum (Squanto). Let’s begin remedying that. In anticipation of an about-to-be-released biography of Tisquantum, I’ve added two new offshoot pages of the Appendix: (1) HERE is a list of some relevant key books and articles (including the key primary sources), annotated or, more often with short reviews; and (2) HERE is a collection and exploration of various claims that have been made on Tisquantum and adjacent topics, but which are either wrong, dubious, or at least uncertain. Neither page is yet as complete as I’d originally hoped, since I’ve run out of time to get them totally completed before the new Tisquantum biography is published. (I want as many of my own thoughts on the record before it arrives. The book/article review page can also serve as something of a template, I guess, for my eventual review of the new book, and the “misconceptions” page can be a bit of a measuring stick for how plausible I find the new book’s claims—or an indictment of some of my own arguments, depending on how things go! For better or worse we’ll see how far off the mark I am . . . . )

Also, I should probably note, for those who only read it when I originally posted it, that I made some relatively substantial revisions to the Tisquantum post a couple years back, which may mean some of the references to stuff in the post in these new pages doesn’t make sense. I’m not sure.

Any questions or comments can be left on this post, I guess (or emailed), since apparently I can’t turn on comments for the new pages or turn off comments here . . .

A Few Modest Terminological and Notational Proposals

Last updated: September 27, 2023

An actual relatively restrained post today (!!).

In this blog I’ve used some terminology and notational practices that are either rare or idiosyncratic, and usually fairly new (with one exception). But I haven’t discussed them all in one place, or always fully explained them. So I figured I’d just cover them all here, along with my justifications, and why I humbly think at least some of them would be beneficial for Algonquianists to adopt (or agree on, in the first case). Continue reading “A Few Modest Terminological and Notational Proposals”