Membership FAQs


Why join NRB?

The most compelling reason to join any group or association is to maximize your own organization and its influence on the industry. The opportunities to interact and network with others who share the same interests and concerns are invaluable and will contribute to your organization’s growth. The establishment of close relationships and visibility offers financial benefit, as most of us would willingly admit that we are most likely to do business with those we know well.

NRB’s mission is two-fold: To protect the free speech rights of our members to speak Biblical truth, by advocating those rights in governmental, corporate, and media sectors; and To foster excellence, integrity, and accountability in our membership by providing networking, educational, ministry, and relational opportunities. It cannot be minimized that there is strength in numbers. It is much more difficult to defend principles and beliefs individually: “And if no one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands in not quickly torn apart” [Eccl. 4:12 NAS]. Join us as we work together to promote and preserve access for Christian media.

How does joining NRB benefit my organization?

NRB represents the rights and interests of Christian communicators by cultivating and maintaining vital relationships with elected and appointed officials in Washington, D.C. NRB’s government relations office works to preserve religious freedom by keeping the doors of electronic media open for the spread of the Gospel.

All employees within a member organization benefit from the full scope of benefits, including the discounted member rates for registration, exhibit booth space, and sponsorships at the annual NRB International Christian Media Convention; the opportunity to submit press releases to be included in NRB’s weekly newsletter NRB Today at no cost; the discounted member rate for advertising in NRB publications and on the NRB website; the opportunity to nominate themselves for recognition in the Christian communications industry through the annual NRB Media Awards; the opportunity to submit classified ads to be posted on the NRB website at no cost; and the opportunity to participate on committees that set NRB’s direction.

What is the difference between the Associate Member Application and Full Member Application?

NRB invites applications for Full Membership from all U.S. and international organizations who use radio, television, digital media, film, streaming, podcasting, and other forms of electronic mass media for the dissemination of the Gospel. To apply, each potential Full Member must submit a Full Member application. The applicant for Full Membership must subscribe to NRB’s Statement of Faith and Code of Ethics, agree to Christian arbitration for dispute resolution, and submit references. (Three references are required. One must be from an existing NRB Member.)

In order to qualify for Full Membership with NRB, nonprofit organizations with broadcast-generated donated revenue and/or ministry expenses of $1,000,000 or more must also be certified as meeting the financial accountability standards of one of the current nationally recognized charity-assessment organizations, including ECFA, Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance, or others as designated by the NRB Executive Committee.

NRB welcomes Associate Member applications from individuals and organizations engaged in services related to the purposes of NRB members, including vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, and publishers. The application includes a statement that indicates the applicant has read and understood NRB Statement of Faith and will do nothing to undermine it. Associate Member applicants are not required to submit references.

What is the difference between a Full Individual Membership and a Full Individual Professional Membership?

A Full Individual Membership is available to applicants actively working in the field of Christian communication. The Full Individual Professional Membership is an enhanced level of Full Individual Membership. It is available to people who have successfully completed a professional training or educational program and have worked 5+ years in the field of Christian media. In addition to the standard Membership benefits, Individual Professional Members (IPMs) wear distinguishing ribbons on their badges that set them apart at the annual NRB International Christian Media Convention. IPMs also commit to mentor other professionals or to serve in NRB leadership; specifically, they serve on Advisory Councils or, if elected, on Standing Committees. This serves as a means of preparation for service on the Board of Directors (if not already a Board Member).

Both Full Individual Members and Full IPMs must subscribe to NRB’s Statement of Faith and Code of Ethics, agree to Christian arbitration for dispute resolution, and submit references as a part of their application process. Both classes of Membership are portable, i.e., the Membership travels with the person and is not tied to a particular Christian media organization.

Both classes of Individual Membership allow the NRB Member voice and vote at the NRB Annual Membership Meeting. If either an Individual Member or an IPM is employed by a Christian organization that is also a Member, the individual has no voice or vote at the Annual Membership Meeting, unless the individual has been designated as a delegate by the member organization.

What are the financial accountability requirements?

Nonprofit members of NRB whose donated broadcast revenue equals or exceeds $1,000,000 annually must show proof of certification by either the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (EFCA) or the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Wise Giving Alliance.

Nonprofit members of NRB whose donated broadcast revenue is less than $1,000,000 annually will meet NRB’s in-house standards established by the NRB Ethics Committee.

Denominational and church-sponsored broadcasts are exempt from the accountability requirements.

For-profit members of NRB are exempt but are asked to comply with membership standards as set by the Ethics Committee.

How do I apply for NRB membership?

You can apply for membership through the NRB Membership Portal. If you have questions about membership, please email  Membership to NRB is not automatic. Once the application is submitted, it is reviewed for completeness and is then is forwarded to the Membership Committee and then on to the Executive Committee for decision. This process typically takes two to four weeks.

Nonprofit members of NRB whose donated broadcast revenue is less than $1,000,000 annually will meet NRB’s in-house standards established by the NRB Ethics Committee.

Denominational and church-sponsored broadcasts are exempt from the accountability requirements.

For-profit members of NRB are exempt but are asked to comply with membership standards as set by the Ethics Committee.

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