Open Source Work Programs: Project Ideas

This is the project idea list for the current round of open source collaborations at Creative Commons.

Consolidate and implement Vocabulary design system across ancillary




Large (~350 hours)

Skills recommended
  • CSS
  • Django
  • Git
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Lektor
Project Lead
  • Sara

The Problem

The new design system, Vocabulary, has been implemented to varying degrees across several Creative Commons web entities, versioning and features do not have full parity and each implementation merits a further investigation, course correction, expansion, and cleanup.

Expected Outcome

Ancillary CC websites implement the current versions and features of the latest Vocabulary codebase in a consistent and stable manner. Necessary new features are identified, built, and implemented upstream into Vocabulary itself where relevant, localized features are implemented into the codebase of each project where necessary.

Contributor Tasks

Identify and catalog features present on current sites, but missing within Vocabulary. Document migration paths between conflicting or missing UX patterns. Rewrite and/or refactor the codebase of each ancillary site, maintaining its original function, while implementing the Vocabulary design system; migrating implementations from NPM dependency chains to more simplistic static code, where needed; building out new features as necessary locally or within the Vocabulary codebase itself. Using simple, standards-compliant, and accessible HTML, CSS, and minimal JavaScript.

Application Tips

  • Engage with the ancillary sites and Vocabulary repositories (issues, pull requests)
  • Be helpful and welcoming (e.g. answer other contributors’ questions on Slack)
  • Applicant Guide


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Original Ideas

We are open to original ideas for documentation improvements.

Please talk to us on the #cc-dev-workprograms channel on Slack or via the mailing list to find a mentor for the project before submitting your proposal.

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