Icon-timerangerThis article is about a villain group in Power Rangers Time Force.

The Mutants were the main antagonists of Power Rangers Time Force who wanted to conquer 2001 Earth to prevent prejudice in the future.

Group History[]


Roughly 1000 years into our future, humanity became involved in advanced genetics engineering in order to create produce generations with ideal physical qualities such as super strength. However, these experiments inadvertently led to the creation of the Mutants, who were often despised for their typically hideous appearances. The majority of mutants reacted to humanity's rejection and hatred by turning to crime, though some attempted to live honestly. During his time before becoming a criminal, a humanoid Mutant named Ransik stumbled upon the statues of three Orgs. Offering him power in exchange for freedom, Ransik agreed stating that if humans were their enemies then their goals were the same. The Orgs granted him incredible power in exchange for material to create bodies for themselves, resulting in his bone swords and turning them into the Mut-Orgs. As a result of this newfound power, Ransik became the de-facto leader of the Mutant race in their goal to conquer humanity. Tvicon TV STORY-Reinforcements from the Future

Before this, however, whilst Ransik was still living on the streets, he was bitten by the mutant Venommark and was rescued by a kind-hearted Dr. Louis Ferricks. Ransik then became dependent on a serum developed by Dr. Ferricks which would keep the effects of the mutant's bite at bay. He rewarded the scientist by setting his lab on fire and leaving him for dead. Before leaving, Ransik also stole his Cyclobot technology and built a whole army of robot foot soldiers. Tvicon TV STORY-Frax's Fury

As a result of the mutant threat, Time Force was formed to combat the mutant criminals by capturing and cryogenically freezing them to prevent them from posing a threat to humans. A containment facility was set up, and included the X-Vault where the more dangerous criminals were secured.

Time Force[]

By the year 3000, almost all of the worst mutant criminals have been captured and frozen except for Ransik who creates a time gate to conquer Earth long before Time Force was created. However, he is discovered and finally apprehended by Time Force thanks to Alex and Jen Scotts. However, his daughter Nadira and their robotic ally Frax liberate him from his prison convoy and the three of them take over the mutant containment facility known as the Cryo Prison as their base. After gravely injuring Alex, the criminals travel back in time to the year 2001. With new minion Gluto, an army of Cyclobots, and the entire prison full of mutant criminals at their disposal, Ransik and his underlings set out to terrorize humanity and take over the Earth for mutants. However, when they launch an attack on the city of Silver Hills, they are stopped by a vengeful Jen and her Time Force Rangers now joined by Alex's ancestor Wesley Collins. Though shocked at Alex's apparent survival (since he and Wes are identical), Ransik orders the attack only to be forced to retreat when the plan fails. Tvicon TV STORY-Force from the Future

Ransik wages a veritable war against the Rangers but the mutant criminals he frees keep losing to the Rangers and end up frozen yet again. Frax stumbles across the X-Vault by accident one day and unleashes Vexicon without Ransik's permission but he is defeated anyway. Tvicon TV STORY-Future Unknown

As a result of the Mutant threat, shortly after the defeat of Tronicon, millionaire Mr. Collins (father to Wes) sets up the Silver Guardians as the city's defense force. An old friend of Wes turned rival, Eric Myers, rises through the ranks to become commander after the defeat of Univolt. Tvicon TV STORY-Worlds Apart

When Ransik discovers that the Quantum Morpher has been sent back to the year 2001, Ransik sends Brickneck to capture the Morpher but Eric claims the Quantum Ranger powers for himself and defeats the Mutant. Tvicon TV STORY-Quantum Secrets

After releasing Mr. Mechanau, Frax betrays Ransik and reveals that he is the former Dr Louis Ferricks. Despite being mortally wounded in the fire, he managed to rebuilt himself into a cyborg and has been working discreetly to sabotage and destroy him as revenge. Tvicon TV STORY-Undercover Rangers

Still driven by his hatred of humans, Ransik hunts down Frax and lobotimizes him, turning him into a obedient slave and forcing him to use his new Doomtron robot to attack the city alongside an army of Cyclobots. Ransik's endgame is to use the Trizyrium Crystals powering Doomtron and the Q-Rex to rip holes in time and tear Silver Hills off the face of the Earth. Although Ransik's forces enjoy early success, the combined efforts of the Time Force Rangers destroy Doomtron and kill Frax in the process which undoes all his damage. With his Mutant army decimated and his final plan a complete failure, Ransik goes beserk and attacks the Rangers himself. Encountering the Rangers face-to-face, he engages them in a vicious combat, defeating them all one-by-one up to Wes who duels with Ransik but they are both caught in a huge explosion, resulting in Wes being incapacitated and Ransik going after Jen, the Pink Ranger after losing the mask that covers his scarred face. Jen flees into a large warehouse and hides from a following Ransik, who accidentally injures Nadira. After being subdued by Jen, he is shocked to see that he had hit Nadira, who was crying and clutching a human baby. Horrified at the fact that he nearly killed his own child, Ransik immediately stops fighting and checks on her. Using a baby she rescued as an example, Nadira got Ransik to see humans were not as bad as he thought as well and that Mutants have the same love as humans. Realizing that Nadira was right and how close he had come to losing her, Ransik willingly turns himself in to account for his crimes. With Ransik in custody and Nadira redeemed, and with Gluto and the remaining Mutant monsters still frozen, the Mutant threat is effecitvely ended. Tvicon TV STORY-The End of Time

Wild Force[]

Although the Mutant threat was over and the Time Force Rangers disbanded, a new Mutant threat arose a year later in 2002 when the Mut-Orgs teleported into an underground carpark and smashed up some cars. Jindrax and Toxica found them using the latter's horn and attempted to recruit them but were overpowered and the Orgs left. They showed up the next day, attacking citizens in Turtle Cove so the Silver Guardians arrive but the monsters prove to be immune to their laser blasters and wiped the floor with them before departing. The Mut-Orgs prove themselves to be nearly unbeatable in the first few battles against Wes, Eric Myers, and the Wild Force Rangers.

After Ransik has been freed from prison in the year 3001, he comes back with the Time Force Rangers to assist in destroying these monsters as a way to make amends for his evil deeds. The Mut-Orgs eventually find the Master Org of the present-day and pledged their allegiance to him. The Time Force and Wild Force Rangers discover that Master Org and the Mut-Orgs plan to rewrite history by overtaking a nearby power plant and unleashing a wave of nuclear pollution on Earth. The teams eventually form an alliance with Ransik who plans to negate and destroy the Mut-Orgs' Mutant halves, eventually doing so by interfering with the trio's energy after they threaten Nadira, causing one of their blasts to backfire and destroy their mutant halves. Unknown to everyone, this also renders Ransik completely human. With their mutant halves destroyed, the Mut-Orgs try to escape but they are caught by the Rangers and, after a long and heated battle, are ultimately defeated by a combo attack from the Time Force Rangers' Chrono Blasters, the Wild Force Rangers' Crystal Sabers, Merrick's Lunar Cue and the Battlizers summoned by Wes, Eric, and Cole, thus ending their reign of terror for good. Tvicon TV STORY-Reinforcements from the Future


Behind the Scenes[]

  • In Timeranger, Gluto was the leader of the organization with Alex's counterpart being its benefactor and true main antagonist.


  • The Mutants are the second group of villains not to permanently destroy a Megazord. The first is the Machine Empire.

See Also[]



Power nav iconPower Rangers Time Force Icon-timeranger
Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers
Chrono Morpher - Quantum Morpher - Time Force Badge - Visual Scanners - Chrono Blasters - Chrono Sabers - Vector Weapons - Electro Booster - Quantum Defender - Time Ship - Vector Cycles - TF Eagle - Strata Cycle - Quantum Mega Battle Armor - Red Battle Warrior
Alex - Circuit - Captain Logan - Mr. Collins - Silver Guardians - Dr. Michael Zaskin - White Knight - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Zords and Megazords
Time Jet - Time Flyer 1 - Time Flyer 2 - Time Flyer 3 - Time Flyer 4 - Time Flyer 5 - Shadow Winger - Quantasaurus Rex
Time Force Megazord - Time Shadow Megazord - Shadow Force Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Transwarp Megazord
Ransik - Nadira - Frax - Gluto - Cyclobots
Demons: Vypra - Quarganon - Demon Warriors
Other: Black Knight - Dragon
Flamecon - Jetara - Fearog - Mantamobile - Tentaclaw - Rabbitcon - Medicon - Fatcatfish - Izout - Vexicon - Redeye - Electropede - Univolt - Brickneck - Commandocon - Klawlox - Cruel Senturicon - Turtlecon - Notacon - Conwing - Contemptra - Dash - Ironspike - Artillicon - Cinecon - Steelix - Venomark - Severax - Mr. Mechanau - Miracon - Angelcon - Chameliacon - Serpicon
Others: Samurhive - Chef Bug - Eyeacon -
Frax's Robots: Tronicon - Dragontron - Max Axe - Doomtron
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