Icon-megarangerThis article is about a/an ally in Power Rangers in Space, the last installment in the Zordon Era.

"The feeling we know only too well."
―Commander Kinwon[src]

Commander Kinwon is the leader of the KO-35 Rebels.


to be added


to be added

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Commander Kinwon was portrayed by the late Jack Donner.




Power nav icon Power Rangers in Space Icon-megaranger
Andros - Carlos Vallerte - T.J. Johnson - Ashley Hammond - Cassie Chan - Zhane
Astro Morpher - Digimorpher - Astro Blaster - Spiral Saber - Lunar Lance - Astro Axe - Star Slinger - Satellite Stunner - Quadro Blaster - Battlized Armor - Battlizer Gauntlet - Super Silverizer - Galaxy Glider - Megatank - Silver Cycle
Alpha 6 - DECA - Zordon - Farkas Bulkmeier - Eugene Skullovitch - Professor Phenomenus- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Waspicable - Adelle Ferguson - Karone
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Leonardo - Donatello - Raphael - Michelangelo - Venus de Milo
Veteran Rangers
Phantom Ranger - Justin Stewart - Adam Park - Blue Senturion - Trey of Triforia - Aurico - Delphine - Tideus - Cestro - Corcus
Zords and Megazords
Astro Megaship - Astro Megashuttle - Delta Megaship - Mega V1 - Mega V2 - Mega V3 - Mega V4 - Mega V5 - Mega Winger
Astro Megazord - Delta Megazord - Astro Delta Megazord - Mega Voyager - Mega Winger - Winged Mega Voyager
The United Alliance of Evil
Dark Specter - Astronema - Ecliptor - Elgar - Darkonda - Quantrons
The Psycho Rangers
Psycho Red - Psycho Black - Psycho Blue - Psycho Yellow - Psycho Pink - Psycho Silver
Manta Menace - Electrotramp - Clawhammer - Voltage Hog - Elephantitan - Craterites - Sting King - Crocovile - Destructipede - Power Driller - Fearog - Behemoth - Mamamite - Termitus - Barillian Bug - Swarmthing - Mutantrus - Lionizer - Body Switcher - Lunatick - Crocotoxes - Praying Mantis - Destructoid - Horror Bulls - Coralizer - Lizwizard - Batarax - Spikey - Frightwing - Hoothead - Datascammer - Jakarak - Vacsacker - Tankenstein - Bonker - Chef Swinegang Pork - Magic Mushroom
Evil Space Aliens: Rita Repulsa - Lord Zedd - Goldar - Finster - Z Putty Patrollers - Tenga Warriors - Master Vile
The Machine Empire: King Mondo - Queen Machina - Prince Sprocket - Klank & Orbus - Cogs
Divatox's Crew: Divatox - Rygog - Porto - General Havoc - Piranhatrons - Putra Pods