Icon-jakqThis article is about an episode in J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai.

Red Impact! The Spy is a Fourth-Grader (赤い衝撃! スパイは小学四年生 Akai Shōgeki! Supai wa Shōgaku Yonensei) is the thirty-first episode of J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai.


Iron Claw sends out an Invader Robot to integrate himself in society to become the perfect spy that J.A.K.Q. can't even touch.


You will be a covert spy, Shachira Khan
Shinta got a fish from a water as Hime pleads
Shachira Khan introduces himself to Hime
A flashback when Shachira Khan got cut on its arm

At CRIME Fortress Island, the creation of Invader Robot Shachira Khan is just completed. According to Iron Claw, he orders Shachira Khan to be a covert spy, a spy who completes secret operations while blending in completely with the local population. At the shore, Shinta just got a fish while Hime expects he's gotten better since they first met, thinking how he would cook up what he caught today and make JAKQ a nice fish dinner. Warned by Shinta, Hime fishes a big fish, but it is Shachi who is out of water! Realizing this monster, Hime is so scared, but Shachira Khan concerns to not make any harms, introducing himself to Hime. Within CRIME HQ, Iron Claw the No.1 rule of being a covert spy is an extreme importance as the first impression toward the people in the area to effectively blend into a location. Believing how Shachi escaped from CRIME because he was going to be killed, and wasn't able to pass the battle robot tests they game him, and they told Shachi had no fighting ability whatsoever, even getting this cut on his arm, concerning anyone who is rejected is forced to wear a bracelet and later is turned into a scrap, admiring Shinta.

Hime attracts JAKQ to investigate something out of water
Shachira Khan is a good robot
Shachira Khan is a good robot

Iron Claw makes a No.2 rule, befriending a child is the same as gaining 100,000 allies at once, and he must do something amazing for him to win a child's heart. JAKQ arrives, but they were offered by Hime to find where Shachi is, and it is disappeared, leading them to find Shinta soon. At Yamamoto Repairshop, his father is just finished repairing Shachi's broken arm, as he thanks his father for returning back to normal, but Shinta compains he is a good robot, but his parents won't him to have this so they don't want anyone from CRIME hanging around here, as Shachi is sorry for troubling him, hopes that if he could help him out in any way, letting to work here before he leaves, but Shinta tries to follow him. Coming to Yamamoto Repairshop, the man reports something is terrible within his car, this morning it wouldn't start, when he is waiting for a light to change, it dies, offering Shinta's father to take a job of fix his car once. Inspecting the front of his car, a man states he is supposed to be in Kyoto later today. complaining to keep, and giving a fare for a bullet train, contemplating he already paid for it to be repaired and it still having problems. Shachi takes a look, showing him to need to reduce the engine's idle RPM rate. After it's fine, he tries once more. When Shachi leaves, his father offers him to stay and help with Yamamoto family for a while, honoring Shachi to work with them.

Shachira grills mackerel for the Yamamotos
Dinner with the Yamamotos
Banba certains Shachira offered anything for Shinta

Iron Claw makes a No.3 rule, a covert spy must gain the full trust of those around him. JAKQ arrives at the scene, kicking Shachi, leading to fight JAKQ, but Shinta comes to stop JAKQ from defeating that robot, claiming he worked at Yamamoto Repairshop, so do his parents, as JAKQ orders to not have CRIME robot as his employee, but his mother complains he's done nothing wrong, just like Shinta said and his parents calm down JAKQ; Shachi states he will put everything into his work so that JAKQ will believe me is that only way. Back to JAKQ HQ, Banba thinks they're moving to space monsters, seeing that they're back to their Invader Robots, Sakurai commits to watch 24 hours a day, as Higashi and Daichi spy Shachi cooks a mackerel for Yamamoto family when his mother doesn't want to able but them pretty soon, meaning the rising prices are becoming normal these days. Serving the grilled mackerel to Yamamoto family, they enjoyed their dish is grilled perfectly, and so delicious even having four bowls of rice at once with this mackerel, as the point for JAKQ to listen. Higashi shows the rest of the night just like that, complaining to Banba to look at Shachira Khan.

ISSIS Agents 9 and 10 detects Shachira's repairing of that rally car

Repairing his car, Shachi seems it's fine, and when his father offers a rally car, he commits to repair it also, loving to drive a rally car, because the next month is the Japan Alpen Rally, and Shinta comes to be offered as a navigator, as long as his father commits, deciding to fix the rally car. Spotted by Agents 9 and 10, they reports to Banba because Shachi ahs started restoring an old rally car, and he's going to enter the Japan Alpen Rally the next month, with Banba admires Sakurai he's a sly fox, that's for sure. Shachi finished repairing the car, as Shinta thinks his father will win the rally with this car, showing his proof to turn this into an amazing machine with their desire to win, willing to be amazing newcomer winner, but Shachi orders him to sleep, preparing for school tomorrow. Taking a device from his body, he activates it with a solar eye, showing the secret missile plan.

Higashi and Daichi comes to seek Shachira at Grade 4 Class 3
Shinta admits Shachira is a good robot as well as students
Shachira guides fourth graders to walk safely

Iron Claw makes a No.4 rule, a covert spy must adapt to prying eyes and should hide his assets in places where those around him wouldn't look. Sakurai and Karen comes to Mr. Yamamoto, showing nothing to his cars, especially rally car, but Mrs. Yamamoto thinks the two JAKQ are really suspicious people, answering Shachi is at elementary school. Going to Grade 4 Class 3, the two other JAKQ approaches the teacher, introducing them, and showing Shachi is there with him, telling the kids to get out of that class, noting that's a ferocious Invader Robot from CRIME, but Shinta complains he comes here to study with him, same as the other students admits he is a very quite and polite robot, and Higashi warns he is trying to trick all of him; Shachira Khan thinks he doesn't know anything about human society, and that's why he asked the teacher if he could stay to study so much, as why she let him watch a class, leading the kids pulling out the two other JAKQ out of this class. After the class, Shachi says goodbye to the schoolers, helping the madam to walk.

Shachira hears Mr
Shachira dining with the Yamamotos at Oden cafe
Shachira turns the lights on, revealing the CRIME Car Missile Team
Shachira states anyone who knows CRIME's secrets must die as part of a CRIME law

At the spa, Mr.Yamamoto sings, as Shachi looks over his singing, as his singing is pretty good. Going to oden store, Shachi invites the Yamamoto family, eating various odens until he was pulled by Sakurai who claims as an enemy, even not willing to let him to destroy his lives. Shine descends, telling Iron Claw about his orders, as he hasn't been able to annihilate JAKQ, stating his Industrial District Fotress plan is progressing as they speak. Returning, Shinta's father appreciates Shachi for giving the engine in that rally car some power, as Shinta told him they need a good engine because some of the other cars are like rockets, and they will going to win. Turning the fuse on, Shachi shows the Crimers putting too much missiles, ordering to rush the car missile's completion, as he concerns to work steadily on this plan already, showing Shine is beginning to lose patience with their pace. Shinta comes to offer how to use a pilot computer, but the Crimers appears around Shinta, as Shachi claims it' a CRIME law, and anyone who knows their secrets must die, and the Crimers remarks that boy is going to be the pilot of the car missile, how Shinta asking him as a good robot.

Powering up Shachira Khan
Welcome to CRIME Industrial Fortress
The Yamamotos as the hostages
Duel between Sakurai and Shachira Khan

Iron Claw makes a No.5 rule, a covert spy must become a demon to use any means necessary to ensure his mission to be completed. Powering Shachi up, the Crimers begin operation to recover Shachi's full power, shocking Shinta. When the two JAKQ back from Mobil Service, they asked to Agents 9 and 10, noting they haven't seen anyone in the house. Going to Yamamoto House, Sakurai and Karen calls, but they realized the Yamamoto family aren't here, and something is wrong, even couldn't have just disappeared. Finding their place, they spot Shachi had abducted the Yamamoto family as a captive, welcoming Sakurai and Karen to an impenetrable fortress, Industrial District fortress, not Yamamoto Repairshop, showing the car missile, equipped with a miniature hydrogen bomb is mounted on the front of the car, with the car is powered by rockets, it will crash into JAKQ HQ at a speed of Mach 1. stating he has the Yamamoto hostages inside, so JAKQ won't be able to shoot it down, considering to use any means necessary to make sure his mission is completed. Defying Shachi's orders, they kicks and fights Crimers, tossing Shachi while the Crimers tell Sakurai to not move, as Shachi locks Sakurai and Karen inside the rear of the car.

Time to launch the car missile
An ISSIS Omikoshi Matsuri just occured in time of CRIME's car missile's launch
Banba guides the ISSIS Omikoshi Matsuri
The Yamamotos thanks JAKQ for saving them

Launching a car missile for launch, they commence to start the engine while they are locked inside the car, but the ISSIS Omikoshi Matsuri occurs, with the Yosakoi Banba approaching there, carrying that woman's mikoshi, shouting it's a festival, and offering Shachi participate in festival, thanking him for helping these ladies, even CRIME follows Shachi's participation in Omikoshi Matsuri, but he is warned by CRIME it's no time for carrying that omikoshi, leading to launch, but the two JAKQ and the Yamamotos disappeared, participating the festival, showing a No.6 rule, when it comes to him, he better not let his guard down for a second, showing his true identity. Vexed, he faces JAKQ once more, as Queen shows her Pink Lady pose to the Crimers, fighting Shachi as well as Crimers, as Shachi bites Queen until he was kicked by Jack, biting King until it was hit by Ace's Spade Arts, then he was executed by JAKQ using the variation of Big Bomber: Ear of Corn. After the battle, the Yamamoto family thanks JAKQ for saving, inviting the JAKQ to support his victory in the rally match to win that trophy. Shachira Khan's Industrial District fortress was destroyed. However, a CRIME covert spy could be lurking right next to you, JAKQ will always protect you!


Guest Stars[]




  • Wires can be seen holding the corn fired at Shachira Khan in the air.


  • Viewership: 7.8%
Heart Queen's Nagisa no Sinbad
  • The Japanese pop duo Pink Lady is referred to for a second time in this series, with Karen mimicking their movements to the song "Nagisa no Sinbad"' when fighting the Crimers. She even refers to herself as a "pink lady" when doing so.

DVD releases[]


J.A.K.Q. Volume 6, DVD cover

J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai Volume 6 features episodes 30-35: Ep. 30: The Code That Calls Death! Deadly Poison, Cobra Twist, Ep. 31: Red Impact! The Spy is a Fourth-Grader, Ep. 32: Which is the Real One?! Danger, Big One, Ep. 33: The Dengekitai Annihilated?! CRIME's Cooking Class, Ep. 34: Infiltration! CRIME Fortress Island, and Final Ep.: Big Victory! Farewell, J.A.K.Q.. [1]



Icon-jakq List of J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: 4 Cards!! The Trump is J.A.K.Q.Ep. 2: 2 Ten-Jacks!! Destroy the Secret FactoryEp. 3: 5 Flushes!! Roar, PantherEp. 4: 1 Joker!! The Perfect Crime's AssassinEp. 5: 3 Snaps!! The Ballade of BetrayalEp. 6: 9 Pokers!! The Beauty's TrapEp. 7: 8 Supercars!! Super-Speed, 300 km/hEp. 8: 6 Targets!! Exploding FlowersEp. 9: 7 Straights!! The Deadly Fist of HellEp. 10: 11 Collections!! Invitation to Happiness
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: 13 Jackpots!! Burn! Flames of FriendshipEp. 12: 10 Pyramids!! The Maze of the Golden MaskEp. 13: Blue Key Quiz!! The Riddle of the Secret Room MurderEp. 14: All Supercars!! Violence!! Great Violent Dash!!Ep. 15: The Crimson Occult!! Ghost Story - VampireEp. 16: Black Baseball!! The Attacking Miracle BallEp. 17: Black Demon Moon!! Ghost Story - Hell HouseEp. 18: Blue Whirling Tides!! The Face of the Secret SpyEp. 19: Great Crimson Adventure!! Demon Extermination of Bottomless HauntsEp. 20: Messenger of Darkness!! The Transparent Monster Runs the Darkness
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: The Rose-Colored Baseball Era!! CRIME's SluggerEp. 22: Big Red Counterattack!! Attack the Suicide Bomber ArmyEp. 23: White Bird Man! Big OneEp. 24: Demon? Angel?! The Marvelous Flute-Playing ManEp. 25: Victory? Death?! Demon Shogun and Mechanization ArmyEp. 26: Invaders!? The Mysterious Space Pirate ShipEp. 27: The Despot's Ambition!! Break it! The Death CampEp. 28: My Secret! A Space Monster in My PocketEp. 29: Go, Seven Changes! Iron Claw vs. Big OneEp. 30: The Code That Calls Death! Deadly Poison, Cobra Twist
Episodes 31-35
Ep. 31: Red Impact! The Spy is a Fourth-GraderEp. 32: Which is the Real One?! Danger, Big OneEp. 33: The Dengekitai Annihilated?! CRIME's Cooking ClassEp. 34: Infiltration! CRIME Fortress IslandFinal Ep.: Big Victory! Farewell, J.A.K.Q.
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai: The MovieJ.A.K.Q. Dengekitai vs. Gorenger