Icon-dekaranger This article is about a/an monster in Power Rangers S.P.D.

"Boy, am I glad to see you guys. Sorry for causing all of this damage. I was chasing a criminal and lost control."
―Giganis'(as Dru) first lines to the S.P.D. Power Rangers.[src]

"My true Tangarian body. Beautiful, isn't it? Even best friends have secrets."
―Dru, after transforming into his humanoid form, telling Sky what he just saw.[src]

"I was young and naive until I met Broodwing. He showed me the light, all I have to do was take a few orders just like the Academy"
―Dru revealing to Sky on why he betrayed S.DP..[src]

"I'll spare you this time. Next time, only one of us will walk away."
―Dru threatening Sky after blasting him.[src]

"You fool! All you have is pride! What good is that when you have no money, no power?! You have nothing! NOTHING! But I have more! SO MUCH MORE!"
―Giganis' last words before enlarging himself.[src]

Giganis is a S.P.D. officer named Dru Harrington from Tangar and is an old friend of Sky. He serves as the primary antagonist of the episode "Idol".


He and Schuyler Tate were best friends until Dru is sent to the Nebula Academy where he is listed as MIA.

That's when he meets Broodwing who teaches him to only look out for himself and introduces him to Emperor Gruumm.

One year after being declared MIA, Giganis comes to Earth to destroy Anubis Cruger but is foiled by his old friend; the Delta Squad Megazord finishes the job and Sky arrests Dru.


Dru Harrington pretends to be still kind and a very patient cadet as he was before Broodwing came along. But thanks to Broodwings influence, Dru is in fact a money hungry, angry monster obsessed with money behind even common sense and even willing to attack his former best friend.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Human Form: Giganis/Dru can turn into his human form at will.
  • Lighting Blast: Giganis/Dru can fire light blue colored lighting blast from the spikes on his chest, this attack can cover a wide area, and are strong enough to take out all five S.P.D. Power Rangers with ease.
  • Lighting Beams: Giganis/Dru can also fire light blue colored lighting beams from the spikes on his chest.


  • Strength: Giganis/Dru posses a great deal of raw strength, being able to take out the S.P.D. Power Rangers in one hit.
    • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combat: Giganis/Dru is also a skilled fighter, being able to avoid most if not all of the attacks unleash by the S.P.D. Power Rangers while being able to subdue them.


  • Weak Durability: When compare to previous monsters, Giganis/Dru has very weak skin, as as such, was taken down in only a few hits by either blasters or a few punches from the Delta Squad Megazord.


  • Laser Blaster/Arm-Mounted Laser Blaster: Giganis'/Dru's primary weapon, an arm-mounted laser blaster that is capable of firing light orange colored energy lasers, which are strong enough to take out Cruger in one hit, when in human form its a basic blaster that also fires light orange colored energy lasers.
  • Growth Device: Giganis/Dru carrys a Growth Device that when turn, will enlarge him.



  • Attempted murder of a police official.
  • Assualting officers of the law.
  • Acts of sabotage to a police precinct.
  • Treason

Behind the Scenes[]



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to be added


  • Giganis/Dru is the second monster in Power Rangers S.P.D. to have a human form, the first being Hydrax.
  • In the Power Rangers S.P.D. video game for the Game Boy Advance, Dru's name is misspelled as "Drew", and is not once refereed to as Giganis.
  • In the original Dekaranger, Giganis' Sentai counterpart grew giant by swallowing pills, but did not use an oval-shaped device. It was later changed in Power Rangers S.P.D. for Giganis to use an oval-shaped device to grow himself.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers S.P.D. Icon-dekaranger
B-Squad: Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew
Sam - Officer Tate - Doggie Cruger - Kat Manx - Nova Ranger
Delta Morphers - Patrol Morpher - Omega Morpher - Kat Morpher - Nova Morpher - Magna Morpher - Deltamax Strikers - Canine Cannon - Delta Blasters - Shadow Saber - S.P.D. Battlizer - Delta Enforcers - Delta Cruiser - Delta Patrol Cycles - Delta ATV - Uniforce Cycle - S.W.A.T. Truck
Piggy - Isinia Cruger - Dino Rangers - T-Top
S.P.D.: Supreme Commander Fowler Birdie - Sergeant Silverback - Boom - R.I.C.
Zords and Megazords
Delta Runner 1 - Delta Runner 2 - Delta Runner 3 - Delta Runner 4 - Delta Runner 5 - Omegamax Cycle - Delta Base - S.W.A.T. Flyer 1 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 2 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 3 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 4 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 5
Delta Squad Megazord - Omegamax Megazord - Delta Max Megazord - Delta Command Megazord - S.W.A.T. Megazord
Troobian Empire
Emperor Gruumm - Mora/Morgana - Broodwing - Krybots - Blue-Head Krybots - Orange-Head Krybots
A-Squad Rangers
Charlie - Blue - Green - Yellow - Pink
Other Villains: Zeltrax - Tyrannodrones
Praxis - Ringbah - Parsnippity - Scaleface - Rhinix - Hydrax - Bugglesworth - Giganis - Sinuku - Debugger - General Benaag - Drakel - General Valko - Tomars - Wootox - Katana - Invador - Changtor - Green Eyes - Shorty - Devastation - Mysticon - Al - Slate - Mirloc - Stench - Thresher - Gineka - Chiaggo - Delapoo - Blobgoblin - One Eye - Silverhead - Professor Mooney - Bork - Herock - Dragoul - Kraw - Icthior - Spotty-Eyed Monster - Green Monster - Vine Monster - Delex - Roswell - Crabhead - Spiketor - Lazor - Cricket Monster - Jackal Monster - Demon Monster - Heater Monster - Jail Bird Monster - Tentacle Monster
Troobian Empire Robots
Mega Drill - Ringbah's Robot - Sinuku's Ninja Robot - Marato - Robot of Destruction - Gigabot - A-Squad's Megazord
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