Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Dino Fury.

"Arrrr! (...) Trash?! Oh good. I'm hungry!"
―Junkalo's first lines after being free from Void Knight's jukebox by Mucus and absorbing trash.[src]

"Trash into treasure's my specialty."
―Junkalo to Void Knight when the latter asks if he can recycle trash into brand new parts for Void Knight's Zord Jammer, as well as showing pride in his power.[src]

"RAAAAAAAA! This city is full of junk food. I've got a hunch it's time for brunch!"
―Junkalo's first lines after enlarging himself and viewing the city.[src]

"This is a garbage day!"
―Junkalo's final lines before reverting to a Sporix after his defeat.[src]

Junkalo was a Poltergeist/garbage/haunted house-themed Sporix Beast serving Void Knight in Power Rangers Dino Fury Season 2 and the twenty-first Sporix Beast to awaken in the Dino Fury series. He is the main antagonist of the Season 2 episode of Dino Fury "Stitched Up".


Junkalo hatched in front of Wreckmate when his Sporix was released from Void Knight's machine after Mucus angrily kicked it. The Beast's terrible breath disgusts everyone in the room as he ate all the garbage the Hengemen collected. A now armored Void Knight exits his room to see what is going on, and Junkalo throws up metal from the garbage he ate when he tried to introduce himself to him. This intrigues Void Knight as he asks Junkalo for help on a special project. Over the previous battles against the Rangers, Void Knight has recorded data on the Zords they fought against and plans to use the data for his newest invention: the Zord Jammer. Void Knight enlists Junkalo’s help in making the parts he needs to make the Jammer.


Junkalo hatching and absorbing trash.

The Rangers head to the dump to see Mucus and Junkalo, the latter eating trash and regurgitating metal. The Rangers morph as Mucus calls for the Hengemen. As the Rangers fight against the Hengemen, Mucus finds a gas mask and tells Junkalo to continue eating garbage for metal. Zayto tries to stop Junkalo with the Sprint Dino Key, but the beast's stinky breath stuns everyone at the scene (minus Mucus, who wore the gas mask to protect herself). Javi uses the Blazing Battle Armor to strike at Junkalo, but the gas neutralizes the attack. Junkalo and Mucus retreat as the Rangers demorph, trying to figure out why the two were at the dump in the first place.

At Area 62, Void Knight is impressed with the parts Junkalo created, saying it was enough to build his Zord Jammer. As Slyther begins assembling the Zord Jammer, Mucus comes in with a giant toothbrush to get rid of Junkalo’s bad breath. However, that results in the monster eating her. Back in the room, Santaura listens to the conversation through video as Void Knight continues his explanation. The only Zords left to scan were the Pacha Smash Zords, and Void Knight orders Junkalo to lure them out so he could scan their location signals. As Void Knight and Junkalo leave, Santaura asks what her husband is doing, referring to him as Tarrick.

Tarrick sets up the scanner as Junkalo pukes up Mucus as she did not agree with his stomach. With the scanner set up, Tarrick orders Junkalo to fight the Rangers, which involved growing and forcing them to summon the Pacha Smash Zords. Junkalo’s presence is alerted to the Ranger’s pollution sensors, but two locations are brought up on the map: one at the Zord cliffs and one at the industrial area. Zayto has the team split up into two groups, and Javi contacts Izzy to join him and Aiyon.

Javi’s group finds Tarrick and his scanner, forcing the latter to attack them so they do not interfere with his plans. Tarrick stops Aiyon from firing at the scanner as the Garcia siblings corner the knight. In the industrial area, Junkalo grows as Zayto’s group summons their Zords, forming the Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation. Using the Elasto Dino Key, they tie up Junkalo, but the latter breaks free and unleashes a noxious blast. Zayto summons the Pacha Smash Zords, unaware that doing so recorded the data Tarrick needed. Javi tries using the Blazing Dino Armor to overwhelm Tarrick, but the latter retreats as he got what he needed.

Zayto’s group forms the Dino Fury Megazord Smash Formation back in the city, and Javi’s group joins them in the cockpit. They fare better against Junkalo and defeat him with the Pacha Mega Smash. Junkalo reverts to his Sporix Cell form, and Izzy claims it for the Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Stitched Up

Junkalo participates at the invasion of the Sporix during the final battle against the Rangers and the Rafkonians. He fights along with Quickspine and Shockhorn against the Rangers and the Rafkonians. They are defeated by them and their Sporix Eggs were used by Void Queen to create the Nemesis Beast. After the Rangers' victory, they are imprisoned forever by Masters Red, Blue, and Green in a crystal. Tvicon TV STORY-The Truth


Junkalo is a little dimwitted and very ravenous. He also hates brushing his teeth.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Absorption: Junkalo's primary ability where he can assimilate any object/living being into his mouth-like body and even regurgitate them into one of two things.
    • Recycling: Junkalo can recycle anything he absorbs into something else, including parts for a sophisticated machine.
    • Poison Gas Emission: After absorbing objects, Junkalo can generate dark purple colored poisonous gas that can both stun and weakens his opponents. It is also shown to be quite thick and durable, being able to withstand the Blazing Battle Armor's Blazing Fury Blast and not even get separated.
      • Bubbly Burp Blast: Junkalo can release his poison gas as smelly dark purple burp-like energy pulses and launch them from his hands. This attack is shown to be quite powerful, being able to send the Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation down to the ground in one hit.
  • Bad Breath: Junkalo can also burp out stinky purple gas from his mouth strong enough to disgust anyone around him.
  • Teleportation: Junkalo can teleport to any location in a column of purple energy.
  • Enlarging: Junkalo can grow into a giant with the energy he gains in battle over time.


  • Rock Body: Junkalo has thick rock-like skin which makes him durable to attacks.
    • Infinite Stomach Capacity: Being made out of rock, Junkalo cannot be harmed in his stomach area despite what kind of object(s) and/or living being(s) he absorbs, even stating that he "had an iron stomach".
  • Strength: Junkalo has a great deal of strength which allowed him to effortlessly break free from the Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation's attack with the Elasto Dino Key without any trouble.


  • Forced Regurgitation: Despite having an infinite stomach capacity, Junkalo may struggle to absorb a far greater amount of objects since he could vomit if he takes in too much.


  • Claws: Junkalo has claws for combat.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • Junkalo appears to be a monster made of rock with a face/chest that looks like a house which resembles a giant skull.


  • Junkalo's name is a division of the word "Junk".


  • Due to the Sporix cells having served their use, Junkalo is the first Sporix Beast to work for the Void family who was a previously unhatched Sporix Beast that was caught.
  • Junkalo is the first and only Sporix Beast of the Power Rangers Dino Fury series working for Void Knight to not look for Sporix Eggs, but to collect parts for a Zord Jammer.
  • Junkalo is the first solo monster-of-the-week to appear in a solo episode of the second season of Power Rangers Dino Fury, and is the first solo monster-of-the-week to appear in a solo episode of Dino Fury since Boneswitch from the first season of Power Rangers Dino Fury, as Bitscreem debuted in an episode that also had the Fly Sporix Beast, and Occulo debuted in a two-parter episode.
  • Junkalo is very similar to Smokescreen of Power Rangers Dino Charge since they both debuted in a Power Rangers show that's revolves around dinosaurs and have attacks that release stinky gas.
  • Junkalo's suit is a repainted and modified version of Smashstone.
  • His Sentai counterpart in Ryusoulger didn't explode after being defeated. Instead, its body reverted to all the objects it ate.
    • But in Dino Fury, he exploded after he was defeated.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Fury Icon-ryusoulger
Ancient Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Blue Ranger I - Pink Ranger I - Green Ranger I - Black Ranger I - Aiyon
Modern Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon
Dino Fury Morpher - Dino Fury Keys - Dino Fury Battle Belt - Chromafury Saber - Dino Dagger - Mosa Blaster - Mosa Blade - Mega Fury Saber - Dino Knight Morpher - Dino Master Saber
Solon - Mick Kanic - General Shaw - Morphin Masters - Orria - Rafkonian Army
Civilians: Dr. Lani Akana - Ed Jones - Warden Garcia - Rina Garcia - Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Annie - Stan - Fern - Adrian
Grid Battleforce Rangers: Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel
Zords & Megazords
T-Rex Champion Zord - Tricera Blade Zord - Ankylo Hammer Zord - Tiger Claw Zord - Stego Spike Zord - Mosa Razor Zord
Dimetro Blazing Zord - Electro Zord - Shadow Raptor Zord - Light Raptor Zord - Cosmic Combo Raptor Zords - Pacha Smash Zord - Baby Pacha Zord - Ptera Freeze Zord - Ptera Rex Zord
Dino Fury Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Hammer Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation - T-Rex Blazing Megazord - Fusion Ultrazord - Mosa Shadow Megazord - T-Rex Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Smash Formation - Ptera Smash Ultrazord - Primal Ultrazord - Mosa Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation
Warfare Tribe Druidon Logo Void Family
Leader: Void Knight/Void King - Santaura/Void Queen
Generals: Mucus - Boomtower - Slyther - Wreckmate - Snageye - Boomblaster - Nulleye
Sporix Beasts:
Season 1: Shockhorn - Vypeera - Draknarok - Brineblast - Smashstone - Doomsnake - Wolfgang - Roostafa - Tombtress - Fogshell - Tidemare - Trawler - Stone Triplets - Boneswitch
Season 2: Fly Sporix Beast - Bitscreem - Occulo - Junkalo - Squashblight - Trackenslash - Flapnarok - Hexcurio - Quickspine - Sugarhit - Clawfare - Crashflood - Nemesis Beast
Footsoldiers: Hengemen
Others: Lord Zedd - Reaghoul - Spider Sketch Monster - Santa's Magic Sketchbook - Zord Jammer - Lothorn - Scrozzle - Sizzurai