Icon-carrangerThis article is about a monster in Gekisou Sentai Carranger.

"Gosh. It's hot in here!"
―UU Ussu's first words which were said randomly when the Baribarian crowd parted for Groutch and his Violent Idiot drink,[src]

"In that case......time for giant size!"
―UU Ussu before enlarging himself.[src]

―UU Ussu reacting to VRV Robo's cannons and his final words before his death.[src]

UU Ussu (ウスウスウッス UsuUsu Ussu, 33) was the Bowzock's best bodybuilder.


UU Ussu was the Gorotsuki chosen to test the Gekibaka (Violent Idiot) Drink, allowing him to become mindlessly powerful. He rode a motorcycle, which he also poured a Gekibaka drink into the gas tank. This caused the speed to increase and triggered a massive forest fire. In battle, he could breathe fire as well, though this was strengthened with the help of the drink, which also allowed him to generate a heat wave across the general area he was in. He caused the Carrangers a lot of suffering as, with the Gekibaka amplifying his powers, the Rangers were not able to approach him at all. Thankfully, thanks to some advice from a seeming stranger, they managed to catch Ussu off-guard by attacking him from underground. This led to him being taken down by the Carrangers, being rammed by Dragon Cruiser before being shot down by Pegasus Thunder's Final Burning. He proceeded to grow giant by eating Imo-youkan, but was very much outclassed by VRV Robo; he was quickly knocked down and summarily blown to mere fumes by the Victory Twister attack.


Ussu was extremely dumb, even by Bowzock standards. However, he could also be somewhat creative, as shown when he used his Gekibaka drink as fuel to power up his motorcycle. 

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Enhanced Speed: After drinking Gekibaka Drink, UU Ussu could run at a fast pace.
  • Fire Vortex Creation: Under the influence of the Gekibaka Drink, UU Ussu could create a vortex of flames by running fast.
  • Fire Shield Generation: Under the influence of the Gekibaka Drink, UU Ussu could generate a force field of fire which protected him from the Carranger's weapons, however the shield could not protect from attacks originating from underground.
  • Fire Breathing: UU Ussu could expel flames from his mouth.


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  • Gekibaka Drink: A special energy drink created by Grotch, it given to him to test out.
  • Motorcycle: UU Ussu rode a motorcycle as a means of transport.
    • Enhanced Speed: When UU Ussu put Gekibaka Drink into the gas cylinder of his bike, it increased his motorcycles running speed.
    • Heat Generation: Due to the Motorcycles increased speed, it also caused the heat in a general area to increase which also started forest fires.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • UU Ussu design is a combination of a tiger and a strongman.

Concept Art[]


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See Also[]



Icon-carranger Gekisou Sentai Carranger
Kyosuke Jinnai - Naoki Domon - Minoru Uesugi - Natsumi Shinohara - Yoko Yagami
Accel Changer - Auto Blasters - Car Navicks - Giga Formula - ViBlades - Signaizer - Signal Whistle - Giga Booster - Pegasus Thunder - Dragon Cruiser - Speeder Machines - Policepeeder - Radiacar
Hazardian Dapp - Signalman - Radietta Fanbelt - VRV Master - Souichirou Tenma - Ichitarou Tenma - Ohrangers - Megarangers - Gokaiger
Mecha and Robos
Red Vehicle - Blue Vehicle - Green Vehicle - Yellow Vehicle - Pink Vehicle - V-Fire - V-Police - V-Dump - V-Dozer - V-Rescue - Victorailer
RV Robo - Sirender - VRV Robo - Radiacar Robo
President Gynamo - Deputy Leader Zelmoda - Inventor Grotch - Beauty Zonnette - Instructor Ritchihiker - Space Cockroach Goki-chan (GG Goki-chan - II Goki-chan) - Combatant Wumpers
Gorotsuki: BB Donpa - RR Rii - MM Mogu - QQ Kyuutan - NN Nerenko - YY Bingo - YY Gonza - KK Esu - LL Onene - PP Rappa - UU Wurin - JJ Jetton - ZZ Zeri - OO Oopa - HH Deo - WW Waritcho - AA Abanba - CC Chakko - VV Gorin - TT Terurin - DD Donmo - XX Mileno - HH Wasshoishoi - ZZ Gyuri - UU Ussu - FF Munchori - GG Boon - BB Koiya - PP Chiipuri - SS Sutatanzo - CC Patchoone - OO Batton - MM Shuurisukii - EE Musubinofu
Boso Sentai Zokuranger: SS Pamaan - ZokuBlue - ZokuGreen - ZokuYellow - ZokuPink
Mecha: BarriCars - Braking - Norishiron (12 - Extra - Final) - Sky Gigune - Marine Zaboon - Land Zuzoon
Others: Reckless-Driving Fire Engine - Elekinta - Reckless Dash Emperor Exhaus
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