
Dark Brown or Burning My Stomach....!!!!! 7:51PM Wed April 21...2021::::::Dark Brown or Burning My Stomach....!!!!! 7:51PM Wed April 21...2021:::::::::::::::::::::::URGENT UPDATE::::::::: Please Give Peter to Erika Suarez, Krogers Cashier Worker(Whom had the Princesses).....other names known as, Bulky, Rodrigo, Botnay... Sway............They all have "White Skin"...Pale White Skin....those whom have Peter will be cursed if they are with the Morena or a Brown Skin Morena!!!! Their Lineages will be cursed....their countries as well...They were meant to pick up Peter!!!!:::::::::My Stomach....!!!!! 7:51PM Wed April 21...2021:::::::Dark Brown or Burning My Stomach....!!!!! 7:51PM Wed April 21...2021:::::::::Please Give Peter to Erika Suarez, Krogers Cashier Worker(Whom had the Princesses).....other names known as, Bulky, Rodrigo, Botnay... Sway............They all have "White Skin"...Pale White Skin....those whom have Peter will be cursed if they are with the Morena or a Brown Skin Morena!!!! Their Lineages will be cursed....their countries as well...They were meant to pick up Peter!!!!:::::::Never Let Russo or any other Strange Person whom likes foul smells in Hades...and let them do what they want.....Defend!!! I think they were here with Hades before without defense!!:::::::::Please Give Peter to Erika Suarez, Krogers Cashier Worker(Whom had the Princesses).....other names known as, Bulky, Rodrigo, Botnay... Sway............They all have "White Skin"...Pale White Skin....those whom have Peter will be cursed if they are with the Morena or a Brown Skin Morena!!!! Their Lineages will be cursed....their countries as well...They were meant to pick up Peter!!!! Connected to Fred Savage....To TMZ Podium..... Rhetorical..Everything..!! An Evil Morena Arabic Indian...like gross Arabic Indian Family...whom is Turning me Dark Nigger Brown wants every Peter and Places them in a gross insectoid womb...transmutes them and hurts them....Hurry!! Please Hurry!! Please do not give anything to Morena's Brown Skin....nothing of Arile Castillo Figuredo to these Criminal Women! Theese Brown Skin Criminal Women connected to Arabic Athenas or India Should not touch any Children connected to Arile Castillo Figuredo whom is at Clare's House in Memphis Tennessee!!!:::::::::::Dear Guardian of the Galaxy.....Clean....I'm sorry you can't be clean...ok....not clean....Many Countries do not allow anything really dirty! Labs are clean...vaginas are clean....tubes are clean...mafia is clean ...crime is clean.....Hate is clean......Experiments are clean....every sister is clean. You said no to Cigarettes...? I said no to getting older or to Russo or Diamatia or. Russo with Diamatia or Ahi Man....or Arile Castillo Figuredo with Russo or Diamatia or Ahi Man or Bam Magera or Mark Whaleberg!!! Do not dye Zenny Kalel Amici's hair with Red Hair Dye with Amonia. Someone changed the chemistry and made sure if you dye their hair Blonde and shampoo you go back to having red hair! Please only dye their hair blonde. They give the children crazy pazza blood or mixed blood or if you they see their hair red or if they see red hair!! Dear Brothers and Sisters of Orange Brown and Green...whom watched and observed....if you understand chemistry like your deseased father of the Hades Family...an Orange and Green....if he is the Candy Man Chemist...or a powerful chemist.........why would you not say or run or yell and stop the person from buying or dying their hair red! I did not understand or do not understand much in regards to Dollar Tree Amonia Hair Dye!! Breakfast now has a sexual imprint connected to sex.... please be careful with what you eat and the psychological imprints...for example scrambled eggs are "dale huevos...."...or connected to eggs....and aliens...I would give Zenny Kalel Amici scrambled eggs for breakfast in the mornings....and some bacon and tomatoes with pancakes...and that's considered a sexual imprint. ::::::::::::::::::;;:;Oh ...and some races black shoes....only white sneakers or white shoes..... Although....I was actually connected to a group of boys and girls and I think the boys could wear whatever they wanted and the girls culture of white had to just wear white sneakers. There were probably some gay boys...of the homosexual transgender races whom wanted white sneakers for their boys.....I think they did not want Mary Kalel wearing white sneakers if she had to wait to purchase them when I bought them....I did not know about the culture....nor was I given an explanation....I think they gave her black blood.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; El Variable....: When they presented various alternative Families Russians Included( Epaulement included whom looks like Dido and Metric as well as several girls whom looked like a Blonde Bucca di Peppo....) were very helpful, welcoming, kind, loving as well as understanding towards you and others with everything that was going on in this world. Each Team created had a helpful group of people whom were very positive or had a positive outlook on life and work ethics....many people new we were here with strange energies or evil energies and were very grateful with all the help they can have or get ...due to some much contamination to the brain, equipment, people, labs, files, misunderstood commands as well as behavior.....many families whom had technology and services would offer help and were very liniant or understanding with these cases of experimented brains....due to empty lots, neighborhoods they would welcome the help...for example: They would not spend their day scrutinizing others or focus on their downfalls...they would say: we are helping with hand and eye coordination or recalibrating the Brain for speed and timing or in regards to effecienct work habits as well as just being effecient and well rounded....they were here helping with prayer and rehabilitation in many levels of working environments...as well as in the time-spaces. Talking about others was frowned upon and not welcomed in their day or physchology or their psychological health. They believed in helping each other and in working together not against each other. If you were not the fastest or strongest team member or not the cleanest you just would not focus on those traits or attributes....you just would not talk about others in fear this would cause more problems to the collective consciousness or the environment they were trying to protect or help. You would for example: Let's say you were working at a restaurant and you were messy or left a pile of dishes like everyday...yet your pretty good on the grill...just pretty good...not a problem....the people working with you would clean up...thanks...for helping and see ya tomorrow....and not one negative word was said in their collective in regards to him or her not pulling his weight or not doing a good job or not caring about his opportunity. They were so grateful you are a pretty good worker and they had help during these times of peril, distress and uncertainty as well as uncertain times of bad health all around us...hurting people by talking about them just lowers your health as well as your environment. There were hundreds of alternative teams with this disposition and positivity....many had tattoos and had fun at work....work was not stressful or filled with insurgent psychology....you just did not talk about people so much...or talk about them in a negative fashion or manner or ya just did not talk about people at all. There were people whom supported your effort and would praise you and your efforts and even discuss the problems going on in regards to your speed or effeciency....or with your hand and eye coordination or just with your problems in a helpful and loving as well as kind and polite manner. In regards to Arile Castillo Figuerdo....they made sure she had Claire's House or Clare's House and welcomed many different types of people and thought theywte there to pray and open doors as well as opportunity and clear the path ways of life. There were religious people chosen to participate to help with prayer! If someone had problems with their scent or with their health they were more than accommodating and tried to help the best way the could...and would not hurt them by talking about these problems all day. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; El Variable....: When they presented various alternative Families Russians Included( Epaulement included whom looks like Dido and Metric as well as several girls whom looked like a Blonde Bucca di Peppo....) were very helpful, welcoming, kind, loving as well as understanding towards you and others with everything that was going on in this world. Each Team created had a helpful group of people whom were very positive or had a positive outlook on life and work ethics....many people new we were here with strange energies or evil energies and were very grateful with all the help they can have or get ...due to some much contamination to the brain, equipment, people, labs, files, misunderstood commands as well as behavior.....many families whom had technology and services would offer help and were very liniant or understanding with these cases of experimented brains....due to empty lots, neighborhoods they would welcome the help...for example: They would not spend their day scrutinizing others or focus on their downfalls...they would say: we are helping with hand and eye coordination or recalibrating the Brain for speed and timing or in regards to effecienct work habits as well as just being effecient and well rounded....they were here helping with prayer and rehabilitation in many levels of working environments...as well as in the time-spaces. Talking about others was frowned upon and not welcomed in their day or physchology or their psychological health. They believed in helping each other and in working together not against each other. If you were not the fastest or strongest team member or not the cleanest you just would not focus on those traits or attributes....you just would not talk about others in fear this would cause more problems to the collective consciousness or the environment they were trying to protect or help. You would for example: Let's say you were working at a restaurant and you were messy or left a pile of dishes like everyday...yet your pretty good on the grill...just pretty good...not a problem....the people working with you would clean up...thanks...for helping and see ya tomorrow....and not one negative word was said in their collective in regards to him or her not pulling his weight or not doing a good job or not caring about his opportunity. They were so grateful you are a pretty good worker and they had help during these times of peril, distress and uncertainty as well as uncertain times of bad health all around us...hurting people by talking about them just lowers your health as well as your environment. There were hundreds of alternative teams with this disposition and positivity....many had tattoos and had fun at work....work was not stressful or filled with insurgent psychology....you just did not talk about people so much...or talk about them in a negative fashion or manner or ya just did not talk about people at all. There were people whom supported your effort and would praise you and your efforts and even discuss the problems going on in regards to your speed or effeciency....or with your hand and eye coordination or just with your problems in a helpful and loving as well as kind and polite manner. In regards to Arile Castillo Figuerdo....they made sure she had Claire's House or Clare's House and welcomed many different types of people and thought theywte there to pray and open doors as well as opportunity and clear the path ways of life. There were religious people chosen to participate to help with prayer! If someone had problems with their scent or with their health they were more than accommodating and tried to help the best way the could...and would not hurt them by talking about these problems all day. :::::::::::May 12, 2021 3:40pm Urgent Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:::::;;;;;;;;::: We have been hurt as a group by Arabic insurgents of the 3 Galaxies or Worlds of Muslim Arabic Israel and Abel with a girl called Nieves or Bella Bambina of Allah....our civilization of animals and deer and were threatened tortutred and transmuted last night by several Arabic and Mafia Insurgents in a private Story Book. Luke, Noir, Zenny Kalel Amici, Little League, as well as several of his group Ebenezer included are being threatened right now the same way by deleting these children and transmuting them and destroying their property or various pieces of property. I'm bringing Luke to this board. A Message on how many people can win: Talk...Please Talk....? Range Rover. :::::::::::May 12, 2021 3:40pm Urgent Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:::::;;;;;;;;::: We have been hurt as a group by Arabic insurgents of the 3 Galaxies or Worlds of Muslim Arabic Israel and Abel with a girl called Nieves or Bella Bambina of Allah....our civilization of animals and deer were threatened tortutred and transmuted last night by several Arabic and Mafia Insurgents in a private Story Book. Luke, Noir, Zenny Kalel Amici, Little League, as well as several of his group Ebenezer included which is on this Pinterest Board are being threatened right now the same way by deleting these children and transmuting them and destroyibg their property or various pieces of property. I'm bringing Luke to this board. May 12, 2021:::::::::::::::Arile Castillo Figuredo whom is in Memphis Tennessee at Clare's House can not talk or leave her room until after 6:30pm. Always be Polite and Worry!!! Nos Quitaron El Raton de Kalel...se fue con una Falta de Respeto de Mentira....called Hacinta Barbara Striesand Nessuna requerdate....no to Kalel or his Raton if he accepted such a rude gangster thug!! I think we are with Bam Magera which is Soo rude and not appropriate due to how he treated us, and Zenny Kalel Amici. Bam Magera and Pelosi Figuredo or Çaridad Figuredo beat beautiful children of Zenny Kalel Amici with a steal bat!! Tell your Family to Vow Vengeance one Day for what happened here....let them be hated!!! Think of whom we are with.... remember whom they are and what happen here. In regards to being Polite: Very Rude and Disrespectful what happened to my Skin and my Testa or Brain....as well as our Group. It's the most impolite to not have explained the rules of being Polite. They Stole Soo much Technology....they stole almost all of my Technology as well as Artwork and Children....all our children. They way we were treated is not polite.....they way were psychologically tortured is not polite....the way our children were psychologically tortured is not polite....they way Orange and Green were treated is not Polite.....they way people vandalized his world is not Polite.....they way the Dr. Who crew treats people and makes decisions is not polite!! Dr. Who is such a dangerous problem for everyone! The Green elviqo is a problem....such a problem for the Commander's Family....such a jealous thug gangster as well! Alessa can not participate in the Blue Notebook!!!! She can participate in the Blessings of God Storybook. Quien es Falta de Respeto....? Maria Kalel Es Falta de Respeto con El Senor. Es una Falta de Respeto con El amor......se aquesta con Hades de Orange y Green....es una Falta de Respeto y es Hija de el Hamon! Hija de El Mar Rojo... She turns men, boys into dwarfs and blind midgets....she does this to the sons of Joshua.....and Married Hades of Orange and Green....and is the owner of all his Secrets....as well as this earth. Lo mas Falta de Respeto is She sells the blood of the Virgins decedents of Israelites and widows of Priest to Sodom y Gamorrah....she says they are garbage and of the wind. I think they all wish to be part of Lady Gagas SM Story Book....! :::::::'"":;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::: Urgent Update..... Security Breach with Yellow and Orange Time Space as well as with Yellow Orange and Green Group in Ocean. 7:31pm Friday May 14th Please use Defense and Shield yourselves as well as the Children and bring them to safety! There were Hammer Head attacks on various groups as well as a young child. 8:49pm 11:35PM May 2021 :::::::::::::;;::::::::::;;;;;:::::::::::.;;;; :::::::. Urgent Update::::::This is just like Starbucks with William (we're leaving Arile..) We had such a Horrific Experience with Starbucks on Union Ave. We can never go to Starbucks on Union Ave. by the diner ever again!! St Starbucks the problems were over music.....in regards to this situation this was over Leaf and Apples. The problem is hundreds or thousands of children were hurt and wounded due to a misunderstanding over boundaries as well as whom Sandy Newton (whom is of Bam Magera and Dario of Black and Purple) needed to have any type of banter with.....We asked in regards to the Banter...or the coveting energy or the evil Eye and the ones she needed to Turn into a Dead Army or the only appropriate ones to have touched or hurt were: (Grey ) Kalel Amici, Green DQ, Nessuna, Shorty Rok, as well as Gregorio Rasputin Questo....their Karmic Consequences are different as well as their health. Her battle, wars qualms, quarrels have nothing to do with me, or with Zenny Kalel Amici November 5th 2005!! I think they gave Lavern or Shirley consequences in regards to having to put up with Sergio Russo....I think she has his mouth connected to her butt....due to a prayer after placing her butt in Mark Whalebergs face and having him smell her rose scent. I think they gave me their karmic consequences and I, Arile Castillo Figueredo whom is in Memphis Tennessee at Clares House am connected to his mouth again and his mouth was placed on my bum, thigh or leg. I did not put my butt in anyone's face or have them smell my roses...I do not even smell like roses!! I only Douchante my bum or anus like once in a while.....not everyday or all the time to place my butt in guys faces or sit on their Laps....or have this prayer placed upon me. 1:56AM..... Urgent Update: 9:40PM May 16, 2021 My phone was hacked in....someone has hacked in and burned my phone from the socket...to the charger entrance of the phone!! I can't charge the phone from any cord!! This is in regards to childbirth, unclean and unkept hair as well as torn clothes...? Jeans with tears in them....? huh...? Soo many Jeans are sold with holes in them....! If you do not have holes in jeans....some of you can't wear them! 9:47am May 16, 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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