Eating Psychology

Eating Psychology teaches us that what we eat is only half the story. The other half is who we are as eaters ... the psychology behind our eating. Transforming our eating psychology is essential to changing our challenges with food and body. To learn more, visit
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Overeating happens when our meals are deficient in relaxation, time, pleasure, awareness, and good food. When do you notice yourself overeating with meals?   
-Marc David

#psychologyofeating #overeating #relationshipwithfood #slowdown #foodfreedom
Overeating happens when our meals are deficient in relaxation, time, pleasure, awareness, and good food. When do you notice yourself overeating with meals? -Marc David #psychologyofeating #overeating #relationshipwithfood #slowdown #foodfreedom
a blue background with the words as you become the more natural you, it's easier to become a natural eater
As you become the more natural you, it’s easier to become a natural eater. -Marc David #psychologyofeating #selfacceptance #selfawareness #selftrust #embodiment
the quote from marc david about eating and living in an unhealthy world
From our earliest moments in life food and love are inseparably linked, forming a union that remains faithful and unbroken. -Marc David #psychologyofeating #health #wellness #selfcare #relationshipwithfood
a quote from marc david about the body yield to disease and decay - which no amount of vegetables or vitamins can prevent
When the body yields to disease and decay – which no amount of vegetables or vitamins can prevent – we are left with the knowledge that good nutrition is important, but can take us only so far. The deeper nourishment that sustains heart and soul is what ultimately matters most. 🌿 #psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #nutrition #nourishnotpunish #nourishyoursoul #spirituality #mindfulness
We've been trained to look at food as a collection of calories. From this place, we can create all kinds of self-imposed dietary misery that locks us in a food prison of guilt and shame. But food is so much more than calories – it’s what sustains our life. So why not embrace food, and the gifts it gives us?

#eatingpsychology #psychologyofeating #mindbodynutrition #ditchthediet #caloriecounting #selfacceptance #healthyfood Guilt And Shame, Self Acceptance, Calorie Counting, Mind Body, Our Life, A Food, To Look
We've been trained to look at food as a collection of calories. From this place, we can create all kinds of self-imposed dietary misery that locks us in a food prison of guilt and shame. But food is so much more than calories – it’s what sustains our life. So why not embrace food, and the gifts it gives us? #eatingpsychology #psychologyofeating #mindbodynutrition #ditchthediet #caloriecounting #selfacceptance #healthyfood
a pink background with the words positive willflower accepts habitt and transforms it with a force that is directed by intelilince
Positive willpower accepts a habit and transforms it with a force that is directed by intelligence. 🧠❤️ #psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #willpower #healthcoaching #mindbodyeating
a quote from marc david about chewing is a pacester whatever speed and number of times we chew sets in motion a rhym that our entire body adopts
Chewing is a “pacesetter.” Whatever speed and number of times we chew sets in motion a rhythm that our entire body adopts. 🥒🏃🏻 #pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #metabolism #intuitiveeating #healthcoaching #nourishnotpunish #metabolicrate
We quite literally have less ability to digest food when our mind is improperly digesting life's experiences. In what ways can you relate?

#pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #digestion #nutrition #mindfulness #mindfuleating Mindfulness, Nutrition, Mindful Eating, Life Experiences, Health And Wellness, Canning
We quite literally have less ability to digest food when our mind is improperly digesting life's experiences. In what ways can you relate? #pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #digestion #nutrition #mindfulness #mindfuleating
a quote from marc david about food and the benefits of being in an eating habit
We tend to get out of food what we bring to it. If you want health, do you bring health? If you want pleasure, do you bring pleasure? #pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #pleasure #enjoyfood #healthyliving #healthcoach #healthcoaching #relationshipwithfood
Where your attention goes, energy flows...🌈

#energyflow #eatingpsychology #psychologyofeating #energyhealing #listentoyourbody #weightlosscoach #healthcoach #healthcoaching Energy Flow, Our Body, Energy Healing, Energy
Where your attention goes, energy flows...🌈 #energyflow #eatingpsychology #psychologyofeating #energyhealing #listentoyourbody #weightlosscoach #healthcoach #healthcoaching
It’s natural to turn to food in moments of stress or tension. Instead of judging yourself, can you learn to embrace this part of you with compassion? 🫶

#psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #stresseating #emotionaleating #selfcompassion #selflove #foodfreedom Self Compassion, Self Love, Turn Ons
It’s natural to turn to food in moments of stress or tension. Instead of judging yourself, can you learn to embrace this part of you with compassion? 🫶 #psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #stresseating #emotionaleating #selfcompassion #selflove #foodfreedom
an orange circle with the words, our unwanted eating habitts often point to an area of life that has nothing to do with food
Our unwanted eating habits often point to an area of life that has nothing to do with food. It’s life’s clever way of getting our attention. 🌅 #psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #bodywisdom #emotionaleating #emotionaleater #mentalwellness #mindbodywellness
When food is your favorite form of stress relief, you'll find yourself turning to food to relieve the stress of dieting. Escape the paradox. Free yourself from dieting. 🙌

#psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #dietsdontwork #ditchthediet #stresseating #emotionaleating #dietculture Turning, Free Yourself, Diet Culture, Find Yourself, Finding Yourself, Diet
When food is your favorite form of stress relief, you'll find yourself turning to food to relieve the stress of dieting. Escape the paradox. Free yourself from dieting. 🙌 #psychologyofeating #eatingpsychology #dietsdontwork #ditchthediet #stresseating #emotionaleating #dietculture
Cortisol, the main stress hormone, blunts pleasure receptors in the body, so when we’re stressed we need more of what gives us pleasure. This can often cause unwanted overeating. 

#pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #dietsdontwork #ditchthediet #bodypositivity #emotionaleating #overeating #weightloss #selflove #selfhealing #mindfulness #intuitiveeating  #nourishnotpunish Self Healing, Body Positivity, Homework, We Need
Cortisol, the main stress hormone, blunts pleasure receptors in the body, so when we’re stressed we need more of what gives us pleasure. This can often cause unwanted overeating. #pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #dietsdontwork #ditchthediet #bodypositivity #emotionaleating #overeating #weightloss #selflove #selfhealing #mindfulness #intuitiveeating #nourishnotpunish
Real pleasure has wisdom in it. To find it, you must be willing to explore, experiment, and throw out the negative rules you’ve inherited from the world about pleasure from food and life.  🌿

#pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #dietsdontwork #ditchthediet #bodypositivity #healthyeating #weightloss #relationshipwithfood #transformyourrelationshipwithfood #selflove #selfhealing #mindfulness #intuitiveeating #nourishnotpunish Find It, You Must
Real pleasure has wisdom in it. To find it, you must be willing to explore, experiment, and throw out the negative rules you’ve inherited from the world about pleasure from food and life. 🌿 #pyschologyofeating #eatingpsychology #dietsdontwork #ditchthediet #bodypositivity #healthyeating #weightloss #relationshipwithfood #transformyourrelationshipwithfood #selflove #selfhealing #mindfulness #intuitiveeating #nourishnotpunish