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Well well well, I've heard of this, I believe the technical term is called a 'sneakout'

Party It Up is the 7th episode of season 1 of Shake It Up, and the 7th of the overall series. It first aired on December 12, 2010.


When CeCe and Rocky overhear that a dancer can't make it to Gary's party, they tell him that they will take her place. The problem is they have to sneak out to get to it. When they get there though they find out they are there to be waitresses at the event. Meanwhile, Deuce and Ty watch Flynn for Rocky and CeCe.

Episode Summary[]

Gary needs more people at his party, so invites CeCe and Rocky go. Knowing they will not be allowed to go, they formulate a plan to sneak out. Rocky doesn't think it's a good idea to sneak out, but CeCe thinks nothing could go wrong. They both blackmail Ty and Deuce to babysit Flynn while they sneak out”.

After Officer Jones leaves for a long night shift, Cece and Rocky get ready to leave. Ty and Deuce arrive to babysit Flynn. Flynn bribes the girls for money to keep their secret. After paying up, all 3 boys promise not to reveal where the girls are,

CeCe and Rocky then arrive to the party and soon find out that Gary was having them be waiters, not guests. Rocky is about to leave, but 2 male waiters walk in, who the girls immediately crush on and flirt with.

Meanwhile, at the Jones' apartment, CeCe's mother, Georgia Jones, walks in home from work early. Ty and Deuce jump behind the couch and hide. As Deuce and Ty try to leave, they are caught by Officer Jones and handcuffed together. All 3 boys are taken to the kitchen to be interrogated.

At the party, CeCe and Rocky get a photo, then the man who took the photo said that it was going to be on the newspaper. First, CeCe was so excited, but Rocky pointed out that their parents would see it. They manage to delete the photo off the camera.

Back at the apartment, Officer Jones has made Ty, Deuce and Flynn drink multiple bottles of water to fill their bladders. The boys express that they need to use the bathroom badly, but Officer Jones states she will only let them relieve themselves if they tell her where Rocky and CeCe are. The boys try to keep the secret as they promised, but Officer Jones starts making water references to make the boys desperate, causing Flynn to wet himself as he smirks with relief. Ty gives up and reveals where the girls are before running to the bathroom dragging Deuce with him.

Miss Jones goes to the party in order to make the girls leave.

The next day Georgia makes CeCe, Rocky, Flynn, Ty, Deuce, and even Gary clean out the Jones' Kitchen. The episode ends with CeCe asking why the kitchen floor is sticky. Flynn assures her that she does not want to know, referring to the fact that it is the urine from when he wet himself the night before.

Featured Songs[]


Main cast[]


Guest stars[]

  • Neal Lerner as Clark Stonehouse
  • Mitch Holleman as Xavier
  • Garrett Clayton as Dylan
  • Day'nah Cooper as Edie
  • Danielle Yu as Model



The image gallery for Party It Up may be viewed here.



Shake It Up! Party It Up Promo HQ


Shake It Up - Party It Up Episode 7 Part 1


Shake It Up - Party It Up Episode 7 Part 2


Shake It Up - Party It Up Episode 7 Part 3

Memorable Quotes[]

CeCe: Wow you look like, old enough to get into an R rated movie
Rocky: And you look like, old enough to have a driver's liscense-too bad you're not tall enough to reach the gas pedals.
Flynn: Well well well, I've heard of this, I believe the technical term is called a 'sneakout'

Rocky: Just cut to the part where we find out what it's gonna cost us

Flynn: 20 bucks each

Rocky: What?

CeCe: I can't believe I'm being blackmailed by my own brother

Deuce: Really? You didn't seem to have a problem with the concept when you were doing it to us.
Flynn: Run Chester run! As fast as your three remaining legs will carry you!

Georgia: Ohh, Chester's dead.

CeCe: Did you hear that Rocky we're going to be on page nine of the daily news and everyone in Chicago is gonna know that we were at the coolest party ever!

Rocky: Uh CeCe

CeCe: Yeah?

Rocky: Our mom's live in Chicago

CeCe: I know they're gonna be so proud-and then they're going to kill us.
CeCe: I know, we wake up very early in the morning, steal everyone's papers, go to the newsstands, and buy up the rest and then all we have to do is figure out a way to crash the newspaper's website and we're home free!

Rocky: Or I could just distract the photographer while you delete the photo.

CeCe: I don't know, sounds complicated.
CeCe: Aw do I have to delete it? Dylan and I look so cute together

Rocky: Delete it, I have whipped cream, and I'm not afraid to use it

CeCe: Deleting.
Deuce: What's happening now?

Ty: You don't wanna know

Flynn: The zombie rats are heading towards the nursery

Deuce: Oh no are the twins in there?

Flynn: Not just the twins but Chester the family sheep dog too

Ty: Poor Chester, nothing to live for now that all the sheep are dead.



  • As of December 23, 2011, this episode, along with the Colbie Caillat episode of So Random!, have been pulled from the network for re-evaluation after a joke ("I could just eat you guys up! Well, if I ate.") sparked controversy from former Disney has-been, Demi Lovato. Lovato went into rehab in the fall 2010 for eating disorders, among other issues, quoting on Twitter: "Eating disorders are nothing to joke about Disney!". It also has been pulled from iTunes & Netflix. The episode finally re-aired on the Disney Channel on Saturday, April 7th, 2012 at 2:00 pm EST, with the offending joke removed.
Age It Up
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Hook It Up