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Sonic Wiki Zone

Team Dark is the second boss in Team Chaotix's story and the fifth boss in Team Sonic's story in Sonic Heroes. It is a three-on-three brawl against Team Dark that takes place in the Grand Metropolis skyline with Team Chaotix and later in the depths of Lost Jungle's swamps with Team Sonic.

Boss guide[]

The objective of these battles is to knock Team Dark off the edges of the battle platforms into the bottomless pits surrounding them. There is no damage system in this boss, meaning Team Dark cannot be defeated by simply damaging them. Grabbing the Power Cores and Rings before the opponents do is crucial. Without Rings, Team Dark will fly back farther, making them easier to be knocked off. Some characters are more suited to battle against specific Team Dark members due to having moves that are most effective against their particular formations:

Speed Power
Power Flight
Flight Speed

If the player loses any team members, they can be brought back to the field by performing the Team Blast.

Team Chaotix[]

<< Previous battle Sonic Heroes
Chaotix vs. Dark
Next battle >>

I'll find Eggman's treasure first!

Rouge the Bat, before Team Chaotix battles Team Dark

In this arena, there are a total of nine Power Cores; three blue, three yellow, and three red. The player should start by grabbing the Blue Power Core in the center (so Shadow cannot use it). When the other team is near, have Espio the Chameleon use Leaf Swirl to fling them into the air. While they are grounded, they can collect more Power Cores or steal their Rings. Staying aware of the other team's location is key to winning.

If Leaf Swirl does not work, switching to Charmy Bee and shooting them off the edge is an alternative strategy.


Name Artist(s) Length Music track
"BOSS: VS. TEAM BATTLE" Jun Senoue 1:37

Team Sonic[]

<< Previous battle Sonic Heroes
Sonic vs. Dark
Next battle >>

What was with that hedgehog that looked like my twin?

Shadow the Hedgehog, before Team Sonic battles Team Dark

In this area, there are only three available Power Cores and they sit outside the arena in balloons. There is also a Shield hidden in a Wooden Container on the stage. For this battle, Team Dark will be much more difficult to defeat as they will always switch to the formation that is dominant over that of the player.

The player should start the battle by having Sonic use Blue Tornado on Team Dark. This will knock them down temporarily. The player should then switch to Miles "Tails" Prower and use Thunder Shoot to collect the Power Cores in the balloons on the side of the arena, then use Thunder Shoot to keep the Team Dark members down. When a member of Team Dark is downed, the player should switch to Knuckles the Echidna and use Fire Dunk to knock them off of the edge. Once all three members of the other team are knocked over the edge, the battle is over.


Name Artist(s) Length Music track
N/A Julien-K 1:32


"Step back! Let us get the doctor first."
Shadow before fighting Team Chaotix
"I'll find Eggman's treasure first!"
Rouge before fighting Team Chaotix
"Eggman is mine. Get outta our way!"
Omega before fighting Team Chaotix
"Hmph! Beginner's luck!"
Shadow after losing the first team member against Team Chaotix
"You don't know who you're up against!"
Shadow after losing the second team member against Team Chaotix
"You really shouldn't mess with us!"
Rouge after losing the first team member against Team Chaotix
"Let me show you what a real treasure hunter can do!"
Rouge after losing the second team member against Team Chaotix
"Well, that's a load off my back."
Omega after losing the first team member against Team Chaotix
"You will be completely eliminated."
Omega after losing the second team member against Team Chaotix
"What was with that hedgehog that looked like my twin?"
Shadow before fighting Team Sonic
"Shadow, Omega, let's go!"
—An unused line Rouge would have said before fighting Team Sonic[note 1]
"Battle preparation complete. Initiating attack."
—An unused line Omega would have said before fighting Team Sonic[note 2]
"Who are those guys? And how do they know me?"
Shadow after losing a team member against Team Sonic
"Not bad, but I can't let you win."
Rouge after losing a team member against Team Sonic
"One less supporter, now I shall destroy you all!"
Omega after losing a team member against Team Sonic


Stages maps[]



  1. This line can be brought back in the PC version with the help of the Sonic Heroes Memory Editor by swapping the position of the Speed character with the position of the Fly character before loading the fight against Team Sonic.
  2. This line can be brought back in the PC version with the help of the Sonic Heroes Memory Editor by swapping the position of the Speed character with the position of the Power character before loading the fight against Team Sonic.
