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This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.

The mecha infestor is a Mecha Swarm replication of the infestor created by Egon Stetmann during the End War. These are able to spawn waves of mecha roaches and mecha ravagers at enemies, as well as recharge an allied unit's health and energy. It can also spawn roach-nites to attack a target building and wear it down.[1]

Game Unit[]

The mecha infestor is a support caster for Stetmann in Co-op Missions. These infestors can spawn waves of roaches and ravagers to take out enemy targets. When within the JUICE configuration of the stetellites, this can lead a massive number of zerg units being sent at enemy positions. The Mecha Infestor can also use UMI-C Charging Protocol on an allied unit to heal them, restore their energy, and increases how quickly abilities cool down by 25%. This is very useful on allied heroes and high priority spellcasters such as ascendants.

Mecha infestors can be "recycled" when they die near a stetellite or Gary, and their parts will respawn into further infestors.[1]


RoachesAway Coop Game1
Roaches Away!

Spawn 2 Mecha Roaches. Spawned units last 45 seconds. Can be cast while burrowed.

Hotkey T
Cost 250 Energy
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available
v • e
UMICCharging Coop Game1
UMI-C Charging Protocol

The Mecha Infestor launches a mechanical nerve cord at a friendly unit, restoring 150 life, 50 Egonergy, and 50 energy instantly. An additional 600 life, 200 Egonergy, and 200 energy regenerates over 20 seconds. The unit's ability cooldown rate is increased by 25%. Can be cast while burrowed.

Oil Baron: UMI-C Charging Protocol cannot be researched.

Hotkey E
Cost 75 Energy
Range 23
Cooldown 5 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 8
Purchased from Mecha infestation pit
Hotkey P
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 90seconds
v • e
Roachnites Coop Game1
Deconstructive Roach-nites

Infests target enemy structure, dealing 500 damage over 10 seconds and disabling it for the duration of the effect. A structure destroyed while under the effects of Deconstructive Roach-nites will spawn 2 Mecha Roaches. Can be cast while burrowed.

Hotkey D
Cost 75 Energy
Cooldown 5 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available
v • e

Buries the unit underground. Burrowed unit are unable to move or attack, but they cannot be seen without detection.

Hotkey R
Cost 2 (burrow)seconds
1 (unburrow) seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
v • e


BonusRavager Coop Game1
BONUS Ravager!

Allows the Mecha Infestor's Roaches Away! and Deconstructive Roach-nites to spawn an additional Mecha Ravager.

Oil Baron: BONUS Ravager! cannot be researched.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 8
Purchased from Mecha infestation pit
Hotkey R
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 90seconds
Required Mecha hive
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Recycle Coop Game1

When this unit is destroyed near an active Stetellite, Gary, or Super Gary, it will drop 1 remnant of its unit type.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 9.
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MechaGroundArmor Coop Game1
Mecha Ground Plating

Increases the armor of mecha zerg ground units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Mecha evolution chamber
Hotkey C
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 ZergVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -2 Minerals -2 ZergVespene SC2 Game1 per Upgrade Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 40 Minerals 40 Vespene gas
Effect Armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 ZergVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -3.5 Minerals -3.5 ZergVespene SC2 Game1 per Upgrade Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 70 Minerals 70 Vespene gas
Required Mecha lair/Mecha hive
Effect Armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 ZergVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -5 Minerals -5 ZergVespene SC2 Game1 per Upgrade Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas
Required Mecha hive
Effect Armor: 3
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At launch, mecha roaches were spawned in groups of 4. This was lowered to 2 in patch 4.9.1, though roach damage and HP were both increased.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Egon Stetmann (in English). 2018.