


Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett 1, also published as Boba Fett 1, is the fifth one-shot issue of the canon comic book anthology series Star Wars: Age of Rebellion. It was written by Greg Pak, illustrated by Marc Laming, and first published on May 8, 2019 by Marvel Comics. The issue features the story "Hunter's Heart," and it also includes an essay written by Bria LaVorgna.

Publisher's summary[]

THE HUNTER'S HEART! As the implacable bounty hunter who tracked down HAN SOLO, BOBA FETT earned his reputation as one of the greatest villains in the galaxy. But what happens when Boba Fett picks up the trail of an actual villain? Find out what kind of heart — if any — beats under that MANDALORIAN armor!

Plot summary[]

Criminals across the galaxy tremble in fear at the mere mention of the name…
Boba Fett. He is a bounty hunter without equal! What drives the man behind
the Mandalorian mask?

Crossing paths[]

On the Outer Rim world of Carajam, a human woman pleads with Zingo Gabnit to take the shards and not to kill her. When Gabnit points out that she knows his name, she promises not to say anything but he doesn't believe her. Before he can kill her, the bounty hunter Boba Fett approaches on an quadruped droid. The woman takes the opportunity to escape. Gabnit's companion Turfitch suggests fleeing but Gabnit counters that they are in the open and should fight it out.

Turfitch points out that they can't fight Fett before bolting. To their surprise, Fett rides past them. The two realize that Fett has already caught his quarry, a rebel pilot. Turfitch fears Fett will come back for them but Gabnit reassures his companion that Fett will only be coming for them if he is paid.

A new job[]

At a local cantina, other members of the Bounty Hunters' Guild complement Fett for his successful hunt. One remakes that he shot the fugitive pilot right between the eyes. The Twi'lek guild agent deposits 50,000 credits into Fett's account. She offers to deduct 3,000 credits for a special deal on the Jorgan Spa but Fett opts to go back to work.

The agent tasks Fett with hunting an unscrupulous bounty hunter named Zingo Gabnit, who is wanted by the Galactic Empire for collaborating with the rebels and "iced" some Guild hunters who were pursuing rebels. The Guild has placed a 100,000 credit on Gabnit but the other hunters are too scared to go after him. Another bounty hunter volunteers for the job but is scarred off by Fett. As consolation, he buys Fett a drink.

Later, Gabnit and Turfitch are caught up in a dust storm that damages their landspeeders. Gabnit tasks Turfitch with refueling the ship. However, he is startled by Turfitch, who brings news that Fett has picked up his marker. Turfitch thinks that the dust storm will conceal their trail but Gabnit knows that Fett will track them down regardless of weather conditions and danger. Gabnit proposes traveling through the Death Plains to reach the Xan sisters and escape offworld on a rebuilt Star Commuter. When Turfitch points out that they don't have enough water for the journey, Gabnit shoots him and steals his water pouch, leaving him behind to die.

Hunting Zingo[]

Fett later encounters a dying Turfitch, who pleads for water. After Fett gives him water, Turfitch asks Fett if he is going to kill Gabnit. Realizing that Fett intends to do so, Turfitch tells Fett that Gabnit is traveling through the Death Plains at negative five or six degrees from the sunline. Based on Turfitch's coordinates, Fett shoots Gabnit in the back. Turfitch laughs before breathing his last breath.

As he approaches a village, Gabnit demands that the Xan sisters pick him up. They are reluctant since he has unfinished business with the Bounty Hunters' Guild but agree to pick him up if he travels to the port at Danan Karr and "cleans up loose ends." When a Rodian villager confronts him, he shifts him down before gunning down several villagers. Gabnit takes the rest hostage, tying them to stakes.

When Fett arrives at night, he encounters several bound villagers including a human woman who plead for help. Gabnit attempts to reason with Fett, telling him that he turned on the Guild after he botched an Imperial bounty by killing a quarry. If Fett abandons the hunt, Gabnit offers to pay him three times the bounty the Guild offered. If Fett refuses, he threatens to kill the villagers. Fett tracks Gabnit's voice into a house but encounters a comlink connected to a remote thermal detonator, which explodes.

Fett survives the explosion and engages Gabnit in hand to hand combat. Fett gains the upper hand and Gabnit submits. He tries to bribe Fett again with three shards as a down payment but Fett ignores him. Gabnit claims that the Guild can't be trusted but Fett kicks away the container carrying the shards. While the villagers free themselves from their ropes, a gunshot can be heard ringing. As Fett drags the corpse of Gabnit away into the night, the human woman thanks him.

Stallo's folly[]

The following day, Fett returns to the town while dragging the corpse of Gabnit. A human man named Stallo recognizes Fett as the man who saved his sister's village and thanks him. At the cantina, the Twi'lek guild agent thanks Fett for his services. Stallo seeks Fett's help in hunting down Gabnit's associates, the Xan sisters, who have been terrorizing the local farms for years. He tells Fett he has killed a couple of their gang members but needs help.

The Twi'lek warns Stallo that the Xan sisters have connections with the Empire and messing with them would land him in trouble. Believing Fett to be a just man who hunts villains, murderers and criminals, Stallo pleads for help but Fett recognizes that someone has placed a bounty on Stallo. He turns around and points a blaster at Stallo, telling him that he hunts bounties.



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