


"I know serving with Rogue Squadron was your sister's dream, but you've earned your own place with us. We'd be proud to have you if you want to stay with us."
"My sister always wanted the best for everyone else. Joining the squadron meant she got to fight the evil plaguing others, making things better for them. Her example is pretty compelling. I'm in."
―Wedge Antilles asks Inyri Forge to stay with Rogue Squadron after the Bacta War[2]

Inyri Forge was a human female Kesselian from Kessel. IN 7 ABY, when the New Republic sent Rogue Squadron to Kessel to release criminal members of Black Sun from prison, Forge tagged along with her sweetheart, Zekka Thyne, as he and his fellow rascals were sent to the Coruscant underworld to help the Rogues prepare Coruscant for a New Republic invasion. Although her sister Lujayne had recently been killed while serving in the Rogues, Inyri eventually softened toward the pilots and helped them prepare the galactic capital for liberation from the Empire.

With the planet now in New Republic hands, Forge joined Rogue Squadron, and they all resigned their commissions soon afterward in order to pursue Ysanne Isard during the Bacta War. After Isard's defeat, the Rogues were welcomed back with open arms, and they joined the Solo Fleet for their next big operation: the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. She also flew in the Battle of Bilbringi that brought the Thrawn campaign of 9 ABY to an end, and in the subsequent strike against the Ciutric Hegemony, where Rogue Squadron teamed up with Isard to take down her clone.

When the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy in 25 ABY, Forge was a major in Rogue Squadron and the leader of Two Flight. The Rogues' ranks were devastated by the Yuuzhan Vong's coralskippers, but Forge survived major battles at Dantooine and Ithor before the enemy were finally defeated. In 43 ABY, she joined some old friends on a mission to save the Calrissian-Nunb Mines on her homeworld of Kessel from mysterious groundquakes.


"We gave our daughter—all of our children—all the love and support we could. We trust them. Just as we trusted Lujayne to go off and join the Rebellion, we must trust Inyri."
―Kassar Forge, watching his daughter leave Kessel[1]

The Human female Inyri Forge was born on Kessel to Kassar and Myda Forge. Kassar was a teacher who volunteered to go to Kessel under a Galactic Republic program to educate inmates on how to re-enter society upon release. Her mother was one of the inmate students who fell in love with him and decided to stay with him on Kessel.

Inyri Forge had multiple brothers and sisters, including Lujayne, all of whom were still alive and living on Kessel in 6.5 ABY. Lujayne became a member of the New Republic's reorganized Rogue Squadron in that year, but she was killed by Imperial stormtoopers during a raid on the Rogues' Talasea base. In 7 ABY, while the New Republic Provisional Council was planning a strike at the Imperial capital of Coruscant, they decided to release some high profile prisoners in order to cause chaos in the heart of Imperial City.


Inyri Forge

One of those prisoners was Zekka Thyne, of the Black Sun organization. Along with Zekka came Forge, his "glitterstim cutter" and lover. Forge, being born on Kessel, and not sent there, was not a criminal, but she was insistent on staying with Thyne, even when the squadron offered to aid her. However, things changed as the undercover mission progressed. Forge began to rethink her loyalty towards Thyne, especially after an incident when they came under fire, and he ran to save himself while Rogue Squadron member Gavin Darklighter came to her aid.

Finally, things came to a head when Thyne attempted to kill the Rogue Corran Horn, whom he blamed for putting him on Kessel in the first place. Forge shot and killed Thyne before he could go through with it. Having proven herself, Forge aided the Rogues during the Liberation of Coruscant, and she was inducted formally into the squadron in the celebration afterwards. Although she was a political appointee, Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles would have been happy to recruit her anyway.

When Ysanne Isard, the leader of the Empire, fled Coruscant and set up base on Thyferra, the New Republic refused to interfere in the planet's internal politics. Most of Rogue Squadron resigned their commissions in order to go after Isard, and Forge was among their number. Antilles's Rogues prosecuted the Bacta War against Isard and ultimately won victory over her, and upon their return to Coruscant, the New Republic welcomed them back and informed them that their mission had retroactively been deemed an officially-sanctioned operation. The Rogues next joined the Solo Fleet in the hunt for Warlord Zsinj; based on the Mon Remonda, they worked alongside Antilles's new Wraith Squadron during the months-long campaign. Their final strike on Zsinj's Iron Fist Star Destroyer dealt a huge blow to the warlord, and General Han Solo was able to land the killing strike in 8 ABY.

Forge remained with the Rogues for years, flying against the Empire's Grand Admiral Thrawn in 9 ABY. The Rogues participated in the Battle of Bilbringi that saw Thrawn perish and his confederation crumble, and immediately afterward, Rogue Squadron were thrust into the Ciutric campaign against Warlord Delak Krennel. During that operation, she was a member of Requiem Squadron, where she was disguised as "Inyon Fass," who had bright red hair and was the sister of Teekon Fass. The Rogues found themselves reluctantly teaming up with Ysanne Isard to fight against her clone, and although she ended up betraying them, the campaign ended with the deaths of both Isard incarnations.

Later, Forge achieved the rank of major, and she continued to serve with the squadron well into the Yuuzhan Vong War. In 25 ABY she was a trusted Rogue veteran, and under Rogue Leader Gavin Darklighter, she flew as Rogue Five, the leader of Two Flight. The Rogues's ranks were devastated by the Yuuzhan Vong's coralskipper fighter craft, which used their dovin basal vortices to open up miniature black holes and absorb their enemies' laser blasts, but Forge and her comrades fought on in the Battle of Dantooine and the Battle of Kalarba. The invaders were finally defeated in 29 AY, and Forge, retired by 43 ABY, joined a group of friends in that year on a mission to save the Calrissian-Nunb Mines on Kessel from a series of destructive groundquakes.



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