

Z-95 Headhunter

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"Mess up and the Mourner's Wail Syndicate will do more than complain."
―Khamus, to Nakano Lash[2]

Khamus was a human male criminal who was heir to the Mourner's Wail Syndicate. He had a relationship with Krynthia, the heir to a rival criminal organization named the Unbroken Clan. After Khamus's lover became pregnant, the pair made plans to escape over fears of backlash from their respective parents. Khamus, though, hired a number of bounty hunters to attack a Unbroken Clan sanctuary on the planet Corellia and try and kill Krynthia to hide their entanglement.

Khamus accompanied the other bounty hunters, threatening punishment from the Mourner's Wail syndicate if they failed. The Nautolan Nakano Lash, though, had a change of heart when Khamus prepared to murder Krynthia. The Nautolan gunned the heir down to save Krynthia, who died having Khamus's child weeks later.


Secret relationship[]

"Scion of the Mourner's Wail needs some hand-holding for an assassination. Dangerous to get entangled with a syndicate. But one hundred thousand credits make it worth a stretch."
―Nakano Lash, on Khamus[5]

Khamus was the heir to the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, of which his father, Lord Khamdek, was the leader.[3] At some point he got into a relationship with Krynthia, the heir to the Unbroken Clan, the rival criminal organization of the Mourner's Wail.[4] Around 10 BBY,[1] Krynthia became pregnant, and feared that her father,[4] the Grand Leader[6] of the Unbroken Clan would try and kill Khamus if he discovered that the Mourner's Wail heir was the father of the baby.[4]

Khamus and Krynthia subsequently made plans to escape. However, Khamus feared that he'd lose everything if his father learned of his and Krynthia's child, and became determined to kill his pregnant lover.[4] He offered the Nautolan bounty hunter Nakano Lash and her crew one-hundred-thousand credits to escort him in assassinating[5] Krynthia at the Unbroken Clan's sanctuary on the[2] planet[7] Corellia.[2]

Double crossed[]

"Sloppy work, Nakano Lash. If that sentry escapes to warn--"
"Our services don't include listening to whining Khamus, no matter who your father is."
―Khamus and Nakano Lash[2]

As the attack on the sanctuary commenced, Khamus stayed with the Lash and the human T'ongor while the bounty hunters Bossk, Beilert Valance, and Boba Fett attacked the clan's guards. When Lash failed to kill a sentry from the Unbroken Clan, Khamus scorned her, threatening punishment from the Mourner's Wail Syndicate if she failed. After Bossk, Valance and Fett dealt with the guards, Lash breached the door to the sanctuary[2] with a grenade. Khamus then followed Lash into the sanctuary with T'ongor, with Bossk guarding the entrance.[4]

Khamus death

Khamus was killed by Nakano Lash.

As the group approached Krynthia's position, Khamus rushed past the Nautolan to kill his lover. Lash told the Mourner's Wail heir to wait as Krynthia questioned what he was doing. Khamus explained that he was at risk of losing everything over their child, preparing to kill his lover. Lash, having a change of heart, then gunned down Khamus. T'ongor informed the other bounty hunters of the heir's death,[4] and Fett claimed Lash had essentially got them killed by shooting Khamus.[2] After Krynthia further explained her and Khamus's situation to Lash, the Nautolan and T'ongor brought the Unbroken Clan heir out of the sanctuary.[4]


"She took my son—the only heir to the Mourner's Wail—away from me. With a single shot, she did more damage than the Unbroken Clan have in a century of war."
―Khamdek, Khamus's father, reflects on the repercussions of Lash's betrayal[3]

Krynthia died in childbirth some weeks after Khamus's death, leaving their child, named Cadeliah, orphaned.[4] The Mourner's Wail Syndicate did not forget Khamus' death. Lash's actions destroyed the uneasy truce between the Unbroken Clan and the Syndicate, sending the two organizations back into war. Khamdek believed that Lash had conspired with the Clan to murder his son, forcing the Nautolan to go into hiding for some time. When she finally resurfaced near[3] the mining world Kessel,[8] many bounty hunters, including those she betrayed on Corellia, sought Lash out.[3]

Personality and traits[]

"If my father found out I have a baby with Unbroken Clan blood…I'd lose everything! I will never let that happen. Not even for you."
―Khamus attempts to kills Krynthia[4]

Khamus was a human male with blond hair and light skin. Although he was the heir to the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, he engaged in a relationship with the heir to the Unbroken Clan, which was a rival to his syndicate. With his lover, Krynthia, being pregnant, Khamus feared that having a baby with rival blood would lose him everything if his father, Khamdek found out. Despite planning to escape with Krynthia over her own fears around the issue, he became to determined to kill her to hide their entanglement.[4] During the assassination mission, Khamus used his status as a threat against Nakano Lash in case she messed up during the fighting.[2]


Khamus wore black clothing with dark armor and a purple cape. Khamus also possessed a blaster pistol.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Khamus first appeared, through flashbacks, in Bounty Hunters 1, a comic written by Ethan Sacks, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli, and published by Marvel Comics[2] on March 11, 2020.[9]


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